Friday, August 20, 2010


Don't be homophobic, don't be negligent about your responsibility to stand against homosexuality and to expose it for the perversion, the sin, and when practiced, the form of sexual abuse that it is.

Stand without fear, and denounce also the tyrannical suppression and manipulation through political, mass media and educational institutions in league with the homosexual agenda. Politically, it is homosexualism, it is evil and destructive of our culture, it is a force that approves, favors and promotes acts of sexual abuse.

Their agenda includes destroying the meaning of marriage, and therefore destroying family as we know it. This end effect is what a round-table of homosexual activists and supporters said they wanted years before it emerged as an open strategy.

They even spoke of the difficulty of recruiting partners for bogus marriages when brainstorming the strategy in a radio broadcast discussion that aired in the Chicago area Wednesday morning, June 25, 1991.

Listening, I could not believe such an unlikely ploy. I didn't know then, but I was witnessing the premeditated plot to murder marriage in America. In 1991, the concept of laws to force society to accept marriages of men with other men and of women with other women seemed ludicrous, laughable.

It was and is foolish and destructive, but there was one thing that it never was: laughable. I'm not laughing at the murder marriage plot anymore.

The discussion included a harsh-voiced man who denounced family, religion and marriage as toys of an oblivious enemy that allowed him to be abused and rejected as a boy, adding, "why would we ever want to go into a church, play like some groom or bride and be a part of that crap?"

A woman who seemed to be the moderator of the discussion corrected him, and said that if their "brothers and sisters of the cause" would step forward, "we could force the other side to accept our unions for the sake of equality, and that would be it."

"That would be what?" the man asked.

"That would be it, family, marriage, none of it would have any meaning at all anymore."

"YES," the man said. "Hey, that's perfect! That's how we can really get rid of all that marriage crap!"

Christians must stand up for the institution of family as it is, a design by God Almighty of creation, the coupling of a man and a woman vouchsafed for life. This is an aspect of the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ, as he said, ". . . teaching them whatsoever I have commanded you . . ."

There will be unsavory confrontation; though unsavory to us, it is a blessing before God Almighty who commands us to go and speak his truth. That settles the matter. It's called obedience - into the darkness of this age, we must move forward for truth.

The true homophobes are the ones who fear this confrontation, who are craven and self-serving, loving their lives in this world; they give lame excuses of being "all things to all men," even when that means approving the atrocities of homosexual behavior that God has warned is a form of sexual abuse.

I am witness to actual motives, now hidden, behind what we see today - the homosexual agenda to redefine marriage. I remember the discussion, and the plot that won the day according to the Chicago-area radio broadcast of that homosexual activist round table June 25, 1991.

I remember the date and place because I was staying in the Chicago area with the parents of my soon-to-be wife Ruth as we drew near to our Saturday, June 28 wedding day.

The homosexual agenda is aimed at depriving our children and grandchildren of the same marriage and family strengths that sheltered us as we grew up in a community that rested on the secure foundation of Judeo-Christian values.

Even now, holy matrimony is made a mockery of by these lying and sacrilegious marriage frauds. Marriage and family contextual meanings are lost in the moral pollution, the depraved, ungodly and unworthy institutionalization of sexually abusive unions recognized by the laws of society.

I do not mean to diminish the importance of keeping law enforcement focused on proper peacekeeping - avoiding the tyranny of allowing an agenda of moral policing that would diminish everyone's freedom to live according to the disciplines of their own conscious.

This redefining of marriage, however, stands to pollute the institution of family, and therefore rob and injure future generations of all familial meaning.

Stand upon your religious freedom to believe in what God says marriage is. Speak according to your freedom to protest and argue for the side of God's truth to transform this nation through the results of Christian Biblical disciplines. Live out loud before God and be blessed, for without you - God's people - society would stand against God's truth and, far from neutrality in matters of religion, demand a new religiosity that is abhorrent to God.

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