Monday, August 9, 2010

Allen Hunt is on to something . . .

This latest legal charade is adding to the destruction, the un-definition, of marriage. Who would eventually police the stability of polygamous marriages in America, the land of no-fault divorce? And who would limit either sexual side to just one partner marrying several of the opposite sex? Why wouldn't group marriages not include two or three males with seven or eight women, for instance? And year by year, new marriage partners would come and go, much like employees at a small business? Who's your mommy and daddy now?

Closer to the root of the problem is this fact: there is no protection of moral and religious discipline in America today - therefore we have lost our religious liberty.

The courts have stricken down, blow after blow, time-honored Judeo-Christian moral and ethical standards that had formed the foundational basis for government, law and culture in America. This mirrors how the ancient children of Israel struck down the prophets of old. This is destroying us just as surely as persecuting and murdering the prophets of old eventually destroyed ancient Israel.

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