Sunday, August 15, 2010

I have my copy, and I'll guard it well

I am hanging onto my rights to free speech and freedom of religion, to bear arms, to keep my property mine and to redress government tyranny for an end to the careers of politicians who just don't get it. For starters, they don't get that:

1. The federal governments must obey our Constitutional laws. Voters are the ruling class, and politicians are our hired help, so they should do as told and obey the law.

2. Shariah Islam is a foreign government system under the guise of religion, and must be exposed and opposed, and no quarter given to these enemies of freedom.

3. I'm here, I'm NOT queer, get used to it: I have a religious right to understand from God's Word the Bible that homosexuality is a form of sexual abuse, and Judeo-Christian marriage and family traditions should not be suffered to be redefined according to homosexual deviancy.

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