Another scathingly corrupt diatribe by Michael Gerson caught my eye at
So a church in Florida will remember the Sept. 11, 2001 jihad attacks against us made in the name of Islam by burning the Quran? I can't comment on the appropriateness or the possible grand standing specifically, but there is a right way to do it.
It is Islamic jihad, hudna and taqiyya that are evils taught in the Quran, and ignorance is an attitude of stupidity that is often held in the name of Christian charity - we'll just give in, put our heads in the sand and let these Satanic, anti-Christian doctrines of demons over-run our culture without a stand in witness against them?
Or we could hold an event featuring the public burning of the Quran.
This "libricide" may prove the existence of a few witnesses against the tyranny and false prophecy of Islam, and may turn out anything but "attention-seeking crackpots in a continental country."
Yes, "the Manhattan mosque controversy has exposed a broader, conservative Christian suspicion of mosques and Muslims." GOOD!!! I hope it stirs up much more, for far from Gerson's idiotic diatribe against the Christian church is the fact that God's people are over due on this issue.
It seems Mr. Gerson would like Christianity to fit his pre-conceived notion of social irrelevance and a total lack of fighting spirit to stand for TRUTH. Maybe God's people should not conform to Mr. Gerson's ideal Christianity, the roll-over and do nothing kind.
The fact is, Mr. Gerson, God knows Islamic history is replete with the erection of Islamic structures on sites deemed important cultural points of vitality or of Islamic victory over its enemies. The mosque on Israel's temple mount is an example: no historical significance at all for Islam, but there it is to stand as a monument of Islam's superiority over Jewish culture in Jerusalem.
Far from ignorant extremism, this Quran burning may well be the very responsible thing for Christian churches across the country to do for a witness against Islamic evil to develop. What in the world is "Heroic Conservatism" [your book Mr. Gerson] if peaceable protest is to be discredited if against the grievous circumstances of Islamic jihad blood-lust, Muslim supremacy, subterfuge and the Quran's many other tyrannical burdens that plague humanity? Straw men, really?
Mr. Gerson, you sound oh so RINO moderate, made of straw, to me. Hopefully, more Christian churches will stand in witness against Islam, and call for God's grace and strength to do so: remember, grace begins with the proper understanding of man's sinful offenses against God and the truth.
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