Friday is the Muslim holy day, a good time for a look back on the week of jihad works for "the religion of peace," jihad being to Islam what world missions is to Christianity.
The difference: Christianity seeks to witness that Christ might have triumph in the souls of individuals who find life in trusting Christ as Lord and Savior.
Islam seeks to "fight that Islam might be superior," thus forcing adherence to Shariah laws and confession for the sake of political capitulation - what Islam calls submission.
Since last Friday, Islamic jihadists killed 59 and injured 71 in the name of Islam and Islam's founding emperor Muhammad, a political and historical ruler who we are not allowed to critically analyze like other political rulers are through history.
The week was a lull compared to average; for instance, in the prior week, Sept. 3-9, 250 were killed and 548 injured in the name of jihad struggle that Islam might be superior.
Islamic jihad was strangely silent Friday and Saturday, Sept. 10 and 11, with only three known Islamic jihad attacks worldwide: killing four and injuring four total in Dagestan, Iraq and Ingushetia.
Jihad terrorism was in full swing Sunday, Sept. 12, with eight attacks in five nations killing 12 and injuring 43, including a pastor and friend beaten in Batak, Indonesia, on their way to church.
Monday saw four deadly strikes in the name of Islam, including two home invasions in Poonch and Pulwama, India, targeting Hindu men: 12 dead and 10 wounded was the total on the day.
Tuesday and Wednesday saw eight jihad attacks in five nations, killing 18 and injuring six, including a Muslim Imam who dared speak out against Islamic terrorism in Nazran, Ingushetia.
A journalist outside a Hangu, Pakistan press club also died at the hands of Islamic shooters, and Taliban bombers targeted children, killing two, in Kandahar, Afghanistan.
Thursday rounds out the Islamic jihad week with 13 dead and eight injured in Muhammad's name: Islamic killers shot dead a Buddhist father and son in Narathiwat, Thailand; Islamic militia mortars against a government complex killed three in Mogadisu, Somalia; Abu Sayyaf jihadis shot three dead in Basilan, Philippines and Taliban in Ghazni, Afghanistan murdered five foreign civilians.
The last known deadly attack in the name of another religion was August 26, Hindu extremists killed one of their former members who had converted to Christianity.
Christian missionaries in the meantime brought food and health supplies as well as educational helps across the world due to the fact that Jesus Christ taught to love and give in this life, awaiting God's divine intervention when God wills for an earthly theocratic kingdom.
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