It's Friday, the Muslim holy day: time for a look back on the week of jihad works for "the religion of peace" - and a special this month, let's see what Islam is up to during the month of Ramadan.
Since last Friday, Islamic jihad missionaries killed, maimed and injured 550 to observe the calling by their founding emperor Muhammad to fight as he put it, "that Islam should be superior."
On Friday, Aug. 27, Islamic jihad took lives in Iraq, Thailand, Nigeria and Pakistan through ten attacks that left 18 dead and six injured, including a 35-year-old mother of three slain by her brother in an honor killing after she was suspected of having unauthorized sexual relations in Ghaziabad, Pakistan, and Boko Haram Islamist drive-by shootings that killed three police in Borno, Nigeria.
Saturday: 12 killed, two injured was the talley in Pakistan, Yemen and Thailand, with the burning of bodies in Abyan, Yemen leading the way as the attacking terrorists chanted "Allah akbar."
Sunday saw Islamist attacks in Thailand, Philippines, Iraq, Chechnya, Afghanistan and Pakistan killing 23 and injuring 23, including the kidnapping and murder by Taliban fighters in Kabul, Afghanistan of five election workers and a candidate, and a spate of Islamist shootings in Tsentoroi, Chechnya, killing seven and injuring five.
Islamic jihad attacks Aug. 30-31, included home invasions in Kurram, Pakistan, a woman and three children, seven total, killed, and al-Shabaab bombers taking out eight civilians, including three women, in Mogadishu, Somalia. A total of 36 killed and 45 injured was the two-day total in Iraq, Israel, India, Afghanistan, Somalia and Pakistan.
[Note source: - my count diverts from ROP because I count the Israeli pregnant mom killed by Hamas Islamic jihad terrorist as two dead - I understand the product of human conception to be human, a person in the womb]
September started off with 48 killed and 324 injured, some in Thailand and Afghanistan, but most from car-bomb blasts by Sunni suicide bombers in Lahore, Pakistan, sending 37 Shia pilgrims to "Allah" as they walked in a processional event.
Thursday Sept. 2, rounded out the week of deadly Islamic-must-be-superior missions of jihad, adding three dead and 10 wounded for a weekly total of 140 dead and 410 injured.
Ramadan - On Friday, September 3, it is 24 days into the Islamic holy month, and 164 jihad terrorist attacks have killed 703 in the name of Islam, compared to the other major religions: one deadly attack in the name of Hinduism against a Christian convert in India on August 26.
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