From Friday to Thursday last week, Islamic jihad missions killed 153 and injured 230 as means to the goals of cleansing Islam and reaching the Muhammadan call for Islamic supremacy.
During the week, thousands of Christian missionaries intervened in hundreds of countries as a global effort to follow the teachings of Christ Jesus to baptize, disciple, and to serve mankind through charity.
On Friday, killing in the name of Islam took 19 lives and injured 18, with a jihad against voting in Afghanistan leading the way: shooting a voter and a woman in Kunar, attacking Gaghlan to kill seven voters, and a child died of rocket-attack wounds in Asadabad along with eight others killed.
In Nairobi, Kenya, six Christian missionaries receive an education on the truths of Islam, in contrast to the charity and grace taught by Christ, through abduction and rape over a three-day period.
Saturday's casualties in the name of Islam ran 81 dead and 138 injured, with attacks in Tajikistan and Iraq leading the way: Islamists ambush attacks kill 25 in Rasht, Tajikistan and Islamist bombers kill 31, injure 94, in Baghdad.
Vicious attacks against Buddhists in Thailand kill four in Narathiwat, in attacks featuring a shooting-arson plan and a home-invasion strategy.
Anti-voting jihad warriors in Afghanistan struck three times, killing 12, including eight children who bleed to death from Taliban rockets, in Kunduz, Balkh and Ghazni.
Moving on to Sunday, shooters in Mosul, Iraq, and sniper jihad in Liaquatabad, Pakistan, killed four and injured two, the Liaquatibad snipers finding targets their Allah wanted dead at a funeral.
Islamic jihad on Monday morning targeted enemies of Islam in Nigeria and Algeria: four dead and three injured from shootings and bombings. Total on the day: 19 killed and 33 injured in 10 attacks targeting five nations in the name of Islam.
Tuesday saw five more attacks in the name of Islam, adding Somalia, Indonesia and Yemen to the list of victim nations for the week: killing 10 and injuring three.
The week rounded out with 10 more attacks that added Chechnya and Dagestan to the target list, with a Makhachkala, Dagestan, high school principal and four children in Iraq included in the total of 20 killed and 36 injured in the name of Islam.
During the month of August, 196 jihad attacks in the name of Islam, in declared obedience to the sayings of Muhammad, killed 811 and injured 1,602, targeting five religions and 23 countries.
The last recorded attack in the name of a religion other than Islam occurred in India, in August: a Hindu convert to Christianity was killed by Hindu radicals.
The practical application of a Bible-centered world view includes insights on the national debate in America.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Why fear the Great Tribulation reaper?
Many have their good reasons, pure motives, for teaching perspectives regarding the end times and the specific time factors that I believe shall prove to be wrong on the question of the church's and our place in the Great Tribulation conflict. Even those pure motives I see are but a part of the salesmanship of our day: what turns out to be the easy believism and cultural lack of relevance - lack of confrontation - of many evangelical and orthodox believing Christians that is part of this phenomenon. The salesmanship swelled the memberships of many churches in its heyday - numbers that were often hiked through "evangelically speaking" white lies. This is an aspect, however, of what I perceive may have paved the way for some poor unsuspecting souls to fall or to succumb to a life of condemnation or weakness without hope.
I say plainly! The mission of the church is to work on its anointed Great Commission, the end of which is AFTER the events Jesus describes as he opens our vision of these latter days and "the beginning of sorrows." The Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached unto all nations, and then - THEN - the end shall come. Plainly, in plenary reading, we, the commissioned church, present in seed form of those disciples gathered to this Olivet Discourse, are told:
"When ye therefore, shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken by Daniel the Prophet, stand in the holy place, (whosoever readeth, let him understand) then let them who are in Judea flee . . ."
Jesus' will for his church is for us to work as commissioned until the Abomination of Desolation -when an alteration comes to our marching orders: tactical retreat for an astounding regroup maneuver later on. In the tactical retreat, those in Judea flee to the mountains, those working on a project drop everything and run for it, those who are pregnant or hindered by Sabbath law or other social restrictions are in greater peril. We are to be praying that God will work things together for a more favorable, less dangerous set of circumstances. The season matters - I perceive we should pray for fall or springtime onslaught of this Great Tribulation, for global awareness causes me to remember it is winter south of the equator if it's summer up north. All indications are that the coming Great Tribulation is to be global.
I'll repeat my a-fratori argument against assuming Christians are being evacuated before the revelation of the Antichrist and the Great Tribulation: we should WANT to be here. It is cowardice to conjure up and foment this easy out from the greatest confrontation of the age that we name after God's unassailable providence of the church. It is sad of us to wile away these moments in lack of preparation except for the prayerful expectation as if to say, "uh, God, you're snatching us up before this Great Tribulation thing, right?"
I say, do we even pray at all that "our flight" might not be in winter and all that? No, we do hastily assume that such prayer is not relevant to us.
What a far cry from the military attitude of early generations who called those eased into their flowery-beds of a comfortable lifestyle "pagan" for being mere civilians in their aspirations of service. Being "pagan" was not a matter of worldliness, it was a matter of being less committed to doing hard things that brought on the spiritual warfare difficulties like poverty, persecution, imprisonment and possible death. Worldliness followed that breaking from the trenches first.
I'm shamefully ill-prepared for intense persecution here in America: I doubt a majority of my fellow American Christians are ready for that. A couple advantages I might have as the flight takes place, if it's in my lifetime: one, I may be there, where much of the regional fleeing could end up, or close to it, in the foothills of rural Virginia's Blue Ridge Mountains; and two, there are good websites on establishing "bug-out routs" and other such preparations if I do take more precaution for having to take a bit of a hike further up and into the smoke.
"Except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved; but for the elect sake, those days shall be shortened."
Just ask yourself, do you really want this reference to the elect to refer categorically to others and not you?
I say plainly! The mission of the church is to work on its anointed Great Commission, the end of which is AFTER the events Jesus describes as he opens our vision of these latter days and "the beginning of sorrows." The Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached unto all nations, and then - THEN - the end shall come. Plainly, in plenary reading, we, the commissioned church, present in seed form of those disciples gathered to this Olivet Discourse, are told:
"When ye therefore, shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken by Daniel the Prophet, stand in the holy place, (whosoever readeth, let him understand) then let them who are in Judea flee . . ."
Jesus' will for his church is for us to work as commissioned until the Abomination of Desolation -when an alteration comes to our marching orders: tactical retreat for an astounding regroup maneuver later on. In the tactical retreat, those in Judea flee to the mountains, those working on a project drop everything and run for it, those who are pregnant or hindered by Sabbath law or other social restrictions are in greater peril. We are to be praying that God will work things together for a more favorable, less dangerous set of circumstances. The season matters - I perceive we should pray for fall or springtime onslaught of this Great Tribulation, for global awareness causes me to remember it is winter south of the equator if it's summer up north. All indications are that the coming Great Tribulation is to be global.
I'll repeat my a-fratori argument against assuming Christians are being evacuated before the revelation of the Antichrist and the Great Tribulation: we should WANT to be here. It is cowardice to conjure up and foment this easy out from the greatest confrontation of the age that we name after God's unassailable providence of the church. It is sad of us to wile away these moments in lack of preparation except for the prayerful expectation as if to say, "uh, God, you're snatching us up before this Great Tribulation thing, right?"
I say, do we even pray at all that "our flight" might not be in winter and all that? No, we do hastily assume that such prayer is not relevant to us.
What a far cry from the military attitude of early generations who called those eased into their flowery-beds of a comfortable lifestyle "pagan" for being mere civilians in their aspirations of service. Being "pagan" was not a matter of worldliness, it was a matter of being less committed to doing hard things that brought on the spiritual warfare difficulties like poverty, persecution, imprisonment and possible death. Worldliness followed that breaking from the trenches first.
I'm shamefully ill-prepared for intense persecution here in America: I doubt a majority of my fellow American Christians are ready for that. A couple advantages I might have as the flight takes place, if it's in my lifetime: one, I may be there, where much of the regional fleeing could end up, or close to it, in the foothills of rural Virginia's Blue Ridge Mountains; and two, there are good websites on establishing "bug-out routs" and other such preparations if I do take more precaution for having to take a bit of a hike further up and into the smoke.
"Except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved; but for the elect sake, those days shall be shortened."
Just ask yourself, do you really want this reference to the elect to refer categorically to others and not you?
Thursday, September 16, 2010
If we wrest control of Congress from liberal Democrats only to benefit the Republican Party brand name, we have failed to change anything for the better.
Should TEA Party Patriots cave to GOP RINOs, Hell NO!!!

Here's a link to the OneNewsNow article: GOP v TEA, combatants?
Dear Editor,
As One News Now, you are supposed to be the conservative answer to liberal bias in the media, but I find your coverage of the struggle between GOP RINOs and TEA Party Patriots laughably slanted.
First, in your poll, you have three dire consequences for the politics of the nation if there is no cooperation: GOP RINOs continue to dominate, DNC maintains control of Congress and TEA forms a third party.
What about the possibility that the GOP will dominate anyway, with TEA Party Patriots moving in on the ranks of GOP RINO leaders?
The fact is, to TEA Party Patriots, there is no compromise, and the GOP RINOs aught to cooperate by handing the GOP over to true American conservatives.
The assumptive conclusion in your coverage is one of suspicion that TEA Party Patriots will not be good Republicans as their candidates and campaigns advance.
AAAAAH!!! WRONG GUESS, One News Now, would you like to try Double Jeopardy, where the scores can really change?!!!
The TEA Party Patriots are the good Republicans. And the TEA Party Patriots appear to be to be utterly finished with trusting GOP RINOs, their upscale political advisers, corporate lobbyist manipulators and even their bought-off celebrity evangelical pastors.
So stick it!!! If you can't report honestly about TEA Party Patriots and the GOP, get the Hell out of the journalism business - your coverage lacked integrity here, boys. Try again.
Yours, Martin Fisher
Islamic jihad killed 59 this week.

Friday is the Muslim holy day, a good time for a look back on the week of jihad works for "the religion of peace," jihad being to Islam what world missions is to Christianity.
The difference: Christianity seeks to witness that Christ might have triumph in the souls of individuals who find life in trusting Christ as Lord and Savior.
Islam seeks to "fight that Islam might be superior," thus forcing adherence to Shariah laws and confession for the sake of political capitulation - what Islam calls submission.
Since last Friday, Islamic jihadists killed 59 and injured 71 in the name of Islam and Islam's founding emperor Muhammad, a political and historical ruler who we are not allowed to critically analyze like other political rulers are through history.
The week was a lull compared to average; for instance, in the prior week, Sept. 3-9, 250 were killed and 548 injured in the name of jihad struggle that Islam might be superior.
Islamic jihad was strangely silent Friday and Saturday, Sept. 10 and 11, with only three known Islamic jihad attacks worldwide: killing four and injuring four total in Dagestan, Iraq and Ingushetia.
Jihad terrorism was in full swing Sunday, Sept. 12, with eight attacks in five nations killing 12 and injuring 43, including a pastor and friend beaten in Batak, Indonesia, on their way to church.
Monday saw four deadly strikes in the name of Islam, including two home invasions in Poonch and Pulwama, India, targeting Hindu men: 12 dead and 10 wounded was the total on the day.
Tuesday and Wednesday saw eight jihad attacks in five nations, killing 18 and injuring six, including a Muslim Imam who dared speak out against Islamic terrorism in Nazran, Ingushetia.
A journalist outside a Hangu, Pakistan press club also died at the hands of Islamic shooters, and Taliban bombers targeted children, killing two, in Kandahar, Afghanistan.
Thursday rounds out the Islamic jihad week with 13 dead and eight injured in Muhammad's name: Islamic killers shot dead a Buddhist father and son in Narathiwat, Thailand; Islamic militia mortars against a government complex killed three in Mogadisu, Somalia; Abu Sayyaf jihadis shot three dead in Basilan, Philippines and Taliban in Ghazni, Afghanistan murdered five foreign civilians.
The last known deadly attack in the name of another religion was August 26, Hindu extremists killed one of their former members who had converted to Christianity.
Christian missionaries in the meantime brought food and health supplies as well as educational helps across the world due to the fact that Jesus Christ taught to love and give in this life, awaiting God's divine intervention when God wills for an earthly theocratic kingdom.
A toast to TEA Party Patriotism . . .
Monday, September 13, 2010
Stand for truth, stand against the tyranny of Islamic despotism

We should do open battle with this threat - live out loud - with a purpose-driven free-speech and civil-rights campaign. Call it a Christian crusade against Islamic jihad, despotism and subterfuge, YES, call it a crusade. [That will get some attention] Compel as many as possible to participate in the crusade, and to demonstrate peaceable, traditional means of smashing into the public debate in ways that can not be ignored.
We should be done with "sensitivity" to this organized effort to dismantle our Constitution - this after a liberal and corrupt federal government has practically dismantled our Constitutional Republic.
There should be an agenda for outing Muhammad as a political, historical war criminal, and Muhammad should be the center of critical analysis and condemnation for the atrocities he committed and espoused in the works of literature he left to future generations.
I believe a central focus of this crusade should be the open protest and denunciation of the political, historical war criminal of Calif Muhammad, the potentate of a dynastic regime: his likeness should be torched in effigy for the ethnic cleansing of Medina and advocating eternal ethnic strife against Jews, for repressive policies against persons of opposite beliefs and the thefts, acts of desecration, assassinations and other oppressions.
A full-throttle declaration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ as well as the teachings of Christ against oppression should be a part of this. They have a plan, why don't the good guys have a plan? With a plethora of protests featuring open redress of the grievances against Muhammadism through the free-speech burning of Caliph Muhammad in effigy is an appropriate step. The world has seen back-pedaling on burning the Koran. We don't need to burn Islamic books if we have not come from there in our repentance to Christ, but it should be known that in the future those repenting from Islam may follow the Acts 19 pattern of burning the books of evil that in the past held them captive. This too would receive much attention, and would open the conflict to a proper view of that which is freedom of speech and religion, [including the freedom to accept the argument of one faith over another and repent openly against what is believed to be an oppressive, sinful past]
I think there is fear that the freedom of speech might explode against Islamic despotism this way, and that is motive for trying to shut down open condemnation of Islamic despotism and its historical acts of tyranny to begin with, that started with the brutally violent and criminal life of the founder of Islam, Caliph Muhammad.
Christ's instructions on the end of the age and the sign of his coming; part two
Among the Gospels, indeed, all the New Testament, Matthew 24 records the greatest account of the end times; it is Jesus' Olivet discourse and teachings thereafter that preserves the best preparation for us of the end time, the time factors and the sense of the Kingdom of God pending. The time factors categorize events of before, during and after the hinging event of the Satanic era, the Abomination of Desolation spoken of by Prophet Daniel. Jesus' discourse of time factors lead up to the point of the disciples' question, the sign of his coming and of the end of the age. After that, Jesus then gives parables of the Kingdom. These are significant in developing a deeper sensitivity to the coming of the Kingdom and the timeless quality of its being here according to God's will and in keeping with God's kingdom principles applicable to all ages and all nations.
Jesus begins with a warning, "take heed" or beware lest anyone deceive you. Deceptive false Christs are coming and many of the world's foolish dotting follower types will be led astray. The world will be filled with weapons, warfare, and warriors - cold war, or rumors of war if you prefer - as well as hot wars, diplomacy and intrigue as well as the failure of world orders and alliances into outright conflict fought in campaigns on the fields of battle. Even when such matters intensify, the fact of the matter is the end is yet to come.
It is as these wars, rumors of war, along with famines and terrible natural disasters intensify in a regular pattern of development on a global scale that we are to count it "The Beginning of Sorrows." This is a good title for the events leading up to The Abomination of Desolation mentioned by Daniel. Because Jesus mentions Daniel by name, that prophet in particular, his discourse is tied with Daniel's prophecy, and the time factors align with the 70 "weeks" of Daniel. Or translating from Hebrew nomenclature, what we might better call "septades" in comparison to our "decades" - septades are seven-year periods.
I will describe the prophecies of Daniel and the 70 septades later.
NOTE FROM READING: Jesus said, "Ye shall hear . . ." and "Be not troubled . . ." as well as, "The end is -/- not yet." Jesus continued, "Nation will rise against nation . . . There will be famines . . . earthquakes . . . All these are the beginning of sorrows. . . . They shall kill you . . . Then shall many be offended . . . many false prophets shall rise . . . because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall grow cold . . . - endure to the end - the gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness . . . THEN the end shall come."
In saying this, Jesus tells us there will be deceivers, warriors, persecutors, purveyors of apostasy, pretenders, hedonists, and the suckers who follow them - BUT - there will also be PREACHERS OF CHRIST. God has through His Son said that the end comes AFTER the preaching of the Kingdom's message of victory - the GOSPEL! Remember the Great Commission: GO into all the world, witness in all the nations. (Mark 16:15ff and Matthew 28:16ff) This gives a complete sense of multiplicity with the commission's manifold application: "all the world," "every creature" and "teach all nations."
Jesus himself promised, "I am with you . . . unto the end of the age." There should be no doubt what this "end" is, and no confusion how it will come about. Jesus plainly tells us in Matthew 24. This end is the culmination of: OUR GREAT CAUSE, OUR REASON AND OUR PURPOSE! Here from Matthew 24, and it's place with the Great Commission of Matthew 28, we see the consequence of wrong teaching about the end; wrong ideas threaten how ready we'll be when we get there and how able we'll be when we are prompted to do what we are called to do. I see no other purpose in faulty teaching of end times than Satan's ultimate hope to deceive the very elect into coldhearted abandonment of these ultimate purposes, our part in the great conflict of the Church Age, the times of the Gentiles.
I would counter the prevailing wrong ideas by reminding all Christians of what they are: ambassador soldiers under God's Great Commission - baptized into a militancy that sets aside every other consideration. In truth, Commissioned militant Christian disciples of Jesus Christ should beg to be a part of these sorrows, to bear the burden of preaching the gospel unto the end of the age and the sign of Christ's coming. True followers of Christ who are of military discipline shall beg God Almighty to see the Great Tribulation, to run that race as the most intense global genocide against all belief hunts them down.
To think God would sweep believers out before the real culmination of the end seems a statement of failure: sounds like, "You could not be trusted - you are an incapable lot and ill-equipped; I'm not going to strengthen you, go ahead and float on cloudy beds of ease while angels and so-called "tribulation saints" do the heavy lifting. Maybe argument can be made for the rapture taking the church away - as some would thank God and say, "we won't be there." But truly militant Christian disciples should beg God that they will be there, and against all reason, "please let me be a part of these times, to see from planet earth the sign of Christ in space and the angels going forth to gather the elect."
By the way, that rapture is the only rapture that Jesus ever actually mentioned.
Jesus begins with a warning, "take heed" or beware lest anyone deceive you. Deceptive false Christs are coming and many of the world's foolish dotting follower types will be led astray. The world will be filled with weapons, warfare, and warriors - cold war, or rumors of war if you prefer - as well as hot wars, diplomacy and intrigue as well as the failure of world orders and alliances into outright conflict fought in campaigns on the fields of battle. Even when such matters intensify, the fact of the matter is the end is yet to come.
It is as these wars, rumors of war, along with famines and terrible natural disasters intensify in a regular pattern of development on a global scale that we are to count it "The Beginning of Sorrows." This is a good title for the events leading up to The Abomination of Desolation mentioned by Daniel. Because Jesus mentions Daniel by name, that prophet in particular, his discourse is tied with Daniel's prophecy, and the time factors align with the 70 "weeks" of Daniel. Or translating from Hebrew nomenclature, what we might better call "septades" in comparison to our "decades" - septades are seven-year periods.
I will describe the prophecies of Daniel and the 70 septades later.
NOTE FROM READING: Jesus said, "Ye shall hear . . ." and "Be not troubled . . ." as well as, "The end is -/- not yet." Jesus continued, "Nation will rise against nation . . . There will be famines . . . earthquakes . . . All these are the beginning of sorrows. . . . They shall kill you . . . Then shall many be offended . . . many false prophets shall rise . . . because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall grow cold . . . - endure to the end - the gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness . . . THEN the end shall come."
In saying this, Jesus tells us there will be deceivers, warriors, persecutors, purveyors of apostasy, pretenders, hedonists, and the suckers who follow them - BUT - there will also be PREACHERS OF CHRIST. God has through His Son said that the end comes AFTER the preaching of the Kingdom's message of victory - the GOSPEL! Remember the Great Commission: GO into all the world, witness in all the nations. (Mark 16:15ff and Matthew 28:16ff) This gives a complete sense of multiplicity with the commission's manifold application: "all the world," "every creature" and "teach all nations."
Jesus himself promised, "I am with you . . . unto the end of the age." There should be no doubt what this "end" is, and no confusion how it will come about. Jesus plainly tells us in Matthew 24. This end is the culmination of: OUR GREAT CAUSE, OUR REASON AND OUR PURPOSE! Here from Matthew 24, and it's place with the Great Commission of Matthew 28, we see the consequence of wrong teaching about the end; wrong ideas threaten how ready we'll be when we get there and how able we'll be when we are prompted to do what we are called to do. I see no other purpose in faulty teaching of end times than Satan's ultimate hope to deceive the very elect into coldhearted abandonment of these ultimate purposes, our part in the great conflict of the Church Age, the times of the Gentiles.
I would counter the prevailing wrong ideas by reminding all Christians of what they are: ambassador soldiers under God's Great Commission - baptized into a militancy that sets aside every other consideration. In truth, Commissioned militant Christian disciples of Jesus Christ should beg to be a part of these sorrows, to bear the burden of preaching the gospel unto the end of the age and the sign of Christ's coming. True followers of Christ who are of military discipline shall beg God Almighty to see the Great Tribulation, to run that race as the most intense global genocide against all belief hunts them down.
To think God would sweep believers out before the real culmination of the end seems a statement of failure: sounds like, "You could not be trusted - you are an incapable lot and ill-equipped; I'm not going to strengthen you, go ahead and float on cloudy beds of ease while angels and so-called "tribulation saints" do the heavy lifting. Maybe argument can be made for the rapture taking the church away - as some would thank God and say, "we won't be there." But truly militant Christian disciples should beg God that they will be there, and against all reason, "please let me be a part of these times, to see from planet earth the sign of Christ in space and the angels going forth to gather the elect."
By the way, that rapture is the only rapture that Jesus ever actually mentioned.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Koran burning: What Would Jesus Do?

We should ask, What Would Jesus do? Jesus would not burn Korans, but would he overturn the tables on which they were stacked? Jesus would not preach hatred against Muslims, but would he sermonize woe unto the Imams, Ayatollahs, Sheiks and Mullahs for being hypocrite blind guides who preach burdens upon the masses in order to go to heaven but can not take anyone thence nor enter in themselves?
Whatever might be said about the wisdom of a Florida pastor's plan to burn copies of the Koran, the fact is we've been had - we are victims of terrorism as an outcome of this dispute: was not our national debate influenced by the threats of violence?
Terrorism is the strategic use of actual or threatened violence targeting non-combatant victims and/or property for destruction in order to coerce political and social controls over a wider demographic.
The upshot is, we have good notions of what Jesus would do. What would Muhammad do? It seems a Florida pastor knows the answer to that question much better than the average American.
Stats of shame: attacks in the name of Islamic jihad continued all week long, daily
It's Friday, the Muslim holy day: time for a look back on the week of jihad works for "the religion of peace" - and a special this month, let's see what Islam accomplished during Ramadan.
Since Friday, Islamic jihadists killed 250 and maimed or injured 548 in the name of Islam and Islam's founding emperor Muhammad who taught to fight, "that Islam should be superior."
On Friday, Sept. 3, eight attacks in five nations killed 88 and injured 184, most from a suicide bomber who detonated to kill Shiite Muslims at a processional event in Quetta, Pakistan.
Our Labor Day weekend saw a dozen Islamic terrorist attacks in seven nations, killing 41 and injuring 113. The practically daily attacks by Muslims against Budhists in Thailand featured a Sunday shooting in Pattani, killing a motorcyclist and injuring a passenger.
A full dozen deadly attacks in the name of Islam took place on Labor Day itself, killing 59 and injuring 100, with twin suicide bombings in Kohat and Lakki Marwat, Pakistan, taking the lead as Islamic jihad cost 40 Muslims their lives and brought injury to 86 there.
The week rounded out with 21 deadly attacks in the name of Islam, a total of 62 died and 151 were left injured in six nations. Russia bore the brunt of the Islamic storm of blood lusting: two attacks struck Vladikavkaz and Baksanonok, killing 18 and injuring 123 total.
The week of Islamic attacks against Buddhists in Thailand rounded out with shootings in Narathiwat and Yala: a 52-year-old Buddhist was shot in the head and his body tossed under a bridge, Muslims and gunned down a young Buddhist in a drive by and Islamic radicals slew two Buddhist teachers.
In all, Buddhism lost eight adherents from the efforts of six Islamic acts of murderously pushing for the superiority of Islam through the week - very average for Muslim hatred of Buddhism there.
The Islamic observance of Ramadan ended Friday; the time frame saw 217 Islamic jihad attacks killing 1011 victims. During Ramadan, there was one attack in the name of another religion: August 26, a killing in the name of Hinduism took the life of a convert to Christianity.
Since Friday, Islamic jihadists killed 250 and maimed or injured 548 in the name of Islam and Islam's founding emperor Muhammad who taught to fight, "that Islam should be superior."
On Friday, Sept. 3, eight attacks in five nations killed 88 and injured 184, most from a suicide bomber who detonated to kill Shiite Muslims at a processional event in Quetta, Pakistan.
Our Labor Day weekend saw a dozen Islamic terrorist attacks in seven nations, killing 41 and injuring 113. The practically daily attacks by Muslims against Budhists in Thailand featured a Sunday shooting in Pattani, killing a motorcyclist and injuring a passenger.
A full dozen deadly attacks in the name of Islam took place on Labor Day itself, killing 59 and injuring 100, with twin suicide bombings in Kohat and Lakki Marwat, Pakistan, taking the lead as Islamic jihad cost 40 Muslims their lives and brought injury to 86 there.
The week rounded out with 21 deadly attacks in the name of Islam, a total of 62 died and 151 were left injured in six nations. Russia bore the brunt of the Islamic storm of blood lusting: two attacks struck Vladikavkaz and Baksanonok, killing 18 and injuring 123 total.
The week of Islamic attacks against Buddhists in Thailand rounded out with shootings in Narathiwat and Yala: a 52-year-old Buddhist was shot in the head and his body tossed under a bridge, Muslims and gunned down a young Buddhist in a drive by and Islamic radicals slew two Buddhist teachers.
In all, Buddhism lost eight adherents from the efforts of six Islamic acts of murderously pushing for the superiority of Islam through the week - very average for Muslim hatred of Buddhism there.
The Islamic observance of Ramadan ended Friday; the time frame saw 217 Islamic jihad attacks killing 1011 victims. During Ramadan, there was one attack in the name of another religion: August 26, a killing in the name of Hinduism took the life of a convert to Christianity.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
In the beginning God created, and an athiest says because of law predating time, God was not needed; WHAT? Oh, really . . .
Prof. Stephen Hawking has created a stir by declaring that the “Big Bang” that is believed to have kicked off the creation of the universe “did not need” a divine being to happen.
An extract of the 68-year-old atheistic scientist's new book, The Grand Design, was released on Thursday in The Times of London. Hawking is a British scientist who before retiring held the same professorship post at Cambridge University that Sir Isaac Newton did in the 17th century.
Hawking said in excerpts from the book that new theories make a creator of the universe redundant. “Because there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing," he said. "Spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing, why the universe exists, why we exist.”
Gerald Schroeder, a Jerusalem scientist with 14 years at MIT and lecturer at the Orthodox yeshiva Aish HaTorah, counters Hawking's conclusions.
"I may surprise some by agreeing with Prof. Hawking," he said. "Indeed, to create a universe from absolutely nothing, all that is needed are the laws of physics (complex and couched in quantum fluctuations as they are), which allow something to arise from nothing.
"The laws of nature – not nature itself, but totally nonphysical, abstract laws – can create nature," he added. "Of course, since these laws create the universe with its many physical aspects, including the flow of time as we understand it, they must predate the universe. If something predates the universe and time, it is outside of time, timeless."
That's where Schroeder finds Hawking's conclusions lacking. "Prof. Hawking skipped that part. This means that some non-thing, not physical, outside of time created the universe," he said. That, "sounds to me like the traditional description of God."
Hebrew University physics Prof. Jacob Bekenstein offers additional insight to the Hawking book project and theory. Bekenstein is a religious Jew and leading theoretical physicist who studied black hole thermodynamics at the same time that Hawking did. Bekenstein told The Jerusalem Post Thursday that Hawking’s new statements “are a bit simplified.
He added, "We learn things about the universe from watching and conducting experiments, but we are limited and can err about physical laws. (Hawking) has reached a grandiose conclusion that even many non-believer scientists would agree is too much.”
Bekenstein said there is a practical reason for Hawking to take a sudden opportunity to publish his book. “He is a known atheist, from the time I first met him in the 1970s," Bekenstein said. Due to poor health, "his care is very expensive, so he lives from his books and other projects. It’s not hard for him to get attention and publish.”
I, for one, am thankful for the debate itself. With all the evolutionist, atheistic posturing to protect their intellectual orthodoxy, shutting down the principled exchange of ideas on these issues, it is good to see the whole agenda of argumentation rocking and reeling.
An extract of the 68-year-old atheistic scientist's new book, The Grand Design, was released on Thursday in The Times of London. Hawking is a British scientist who before retiring held the same professorship post at Cambridge University that Sir Isaac Newton did in the 17th century.
Hawking said in excerpts from the book that new theories make a creator of the universe redundant. “Because there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing," he said. "Spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing, why the universe exists, why we exist.”
Gerald Schroeder, a Jerusalem scientist with 14 years at MIT and lecturer at the Orthodox yeshiva Aish HaTorah, counters Hawking's conclusions.
"I may surprise some by agreeing with Prof. Hawking," he said. "Indeed, to create a universe from absolutely nothing, all that is needed are the laws of physics (complex and couched in quantum fluctuations as they are), which allow something to arise from nothing.
"The laws of nature – not nature itself, but totally nonphysical, abstract laws – can create nature," he added. "Of course, since these laws create the universe with its many physical aspects, including the flow of time as we understand it, they must predate the universe. If something predates the universe and time, it is outside of time, timeless."
That's where Schroeder finds Hawking's conclusions lacking. "Prof. Hawking skipped that part. This means that some non-thing, not physical, outside of time created the universe," he said. That, "sounds to me like the traditional description of God."
Hebrew University physics Prof. Jacob Bekenstein offers additional insight to the Hawking book project and theory. Bekenstein is a religious Jew and leading theoretical physicist who studied black hole thermodynamics at the same time that Hawking did. Bekenstein told The Jerusalem Post Thursday that Hawking’s new statements “are a bit simplified.
He added, "We learn things about the universe from watching and conducting experiments, but we are limited and can err about physical laws. (Hawking) has reached a grandiose conclusion that even many non-believer scientists would agree is too much.”
Bekenstein said there is a practical reason for Hawking to take a sudden opportunity to publish his book. “He is a known atheist, from the time I first met him in the 1970s," Bekenstein said. Due to poor health, "his care is very expensive, so he lives from his books and other projects. It’s not hard for him to get attention and publish.”
I, for one, am thankful for the debate itself. With all the evolutionist, atheistic posturing to protect their intellectual orthodoxy, shutting down the principled exchange of ideas on these issues, it is good to see the whole agenda of argumentation rocking and reeling.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
What good is a religion that calls good evil and evil good?

Islam condemns one while extolling the other: the Koran says one is an evil that causes God's wrath while the other is good, "that Islam should be superior."
That's Islam and the Koran.
You can do better than the Koran and the tyrannical Islamic despotism it creates by applying Biblical standards and the teachings of Jesus Christ. But that's what is at steak here: the right to express Biblical judgment and to work so that a solid foundation for public policy is ensured upon the Judeo-Christian ethical standards that provide the rule of godly law, the values of public service and the concept of individual liberty as an inalienable gift from God.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Stand for truth, stand against the tyranny of Islamic despotism
An American tradition is to peaceably assemble and redress governing entities for grievances. Your next step, brothers, is to redress Islamic governing tyrants for grievances around the world, what they do in the name of their prophet Muhammad.
This can be tastefully done by fashioning a likeness of Muhammad and hang him at the end of a rope, light him on fire - this is called a hanging in effigy, a traditional form of political protest.
Muhammad is a political, historical figure, and his actions as a political, historical figure must be challenged - reject the dogmatism that enshrines Muhammad as some irreproachable authority. Muhammad must be included in the same political debate equally that all other political, historical figures are critically examined by.
Muhammad must be challenged, criticized, and he must be condemned. The tyranny he founded and directed must be challenged, criticized and condemned. Muhammad is a name which should live in infamy.
This is scholarly insight:The Dove Outreach church in Florida is emulating that personal repentance by stating before God and man their spurning of Islamic evil, an evil that has been wrongfully embraced or at least tolerated without question. IT IS TIME TO QUESTION!!! The Koran burning in this context is a blessing.
This is a good first step, but it does little more than state a case for Koran burning as a protected form of free speech and that the Koran is an evil book. Muhammad is a political, historical figure who should be put to open criticism and condemnation.
Monday, September 6, 2010
How would YOU imagine it?
Love the future
I love learning about the future and the end times from scripture. I can't help asking Christians of America, "why do you want to be taken out before the key showdown of our age, before the man of sin spoken of by Daniel the prophet is revealed?
Wimps! You should be praying to stay. Does the prospect of a little persecution and conflict make you feel afraid? Is the hardship of such confrontational circumstances, the danger of a little torture and anti-Christian holocaust make you shrink away from a spiritual fight?
Most Christians might feel relief that at last there is some consequence for having beliefs contrary to the world system. We might see at last the reality of what we are warned of when we read, "all those who live godly in Christ Jesus shall necessarily see persecution."
I see a strange dichotomy here: we are accommodating the culture and are "all things to all men," to avoid conflict and be culturally acceptable or approved, then complaining to God that we don't have a significant role in confronting the evils of our day.
We avoid politics in order to protect God's 501-3 status, something God treasures as much as the temple tax of old, I'm sure.
The answer to the dichotomy is the existence of status quo suggested by our celebrity pastors, the big names who have so much personally at stake if the popular culture turns angry against Christianity in some real, monetary way.
The Jerry Falwells, or Jerry Falwell Jrs., of Christianity would fall on hard times when it comes to the sale of their newest book or the appeal for their latest University, law school, library or church expansion program.
I say, church, love the future - you are a part of it. The tribulations of our day will come and go, and finally the man of sin, Antichrist, will be revealed, and we shall see it - we ourselves or a future generation of the body of Christ. Embrace the opportunity; be a willing witness of these end time evils, a martyr if so privileged.
Wimps! You should be praying to stay. Does the prospect of a little persecution and conflict make you feel afraid? Is the hardship of such confrontational circumstances, the danger of a little torture and anti-Christian holocaust make you shrink away from a spiritual fight?
Most Christians might feel relief that at last there is some consequence for having beliefs contrary to the world system. We might see at last the reality of what we are warned of when we read, "all those who live godly in Christ Jesus shall necessarily see persecution."
I see a strange dichotomy here: we are accommodating the culture and are "all things to all men," to avoid conflict and be culturally acceptable or approved, then complaining to God that we don't have a significant role in confronting the evils of our day.
We avoid politics in order to protect God's 501-3 status, something God treasures as much as the temple tax of old, I'm sure.
The answer to the dichotomy is the existence of status quo suggested by our celebrity pastors, the big names who have so much personally at stake if the popular culture turns angry against Christianity in some real, monetary way.
The Jerry Falwells, or Jerry Falwell Jrs., of Christianity would fall on hard times when it comes to the sale of their newest book or the appeal for their latest University, law school, library or church expansion program.
I say, church, love the future - you are a part of it. The tribulations of our day will come and go, and finally the man of sin, Antichrist, will be revealed, and we shall see it - we ourselves or a future generation of the body of Christ. Embrace the opportunity; be a willing witness of these end time evils, a martyr if so privileged.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Christ's instructions on the end of the age and the sign of his coming; part one
Regarding future times and the end of the age
It is in Matthew 24 and 25 that we see the record of the direct teaching of Jesus Christ on the end of the age. In these chapters, Jesus presents a full description of the apocalypse. Here is a template, an outline to order correctly the time factors of what transpires from "The beginning of sorrows," through "The sign of the Son of Man in heaven," that proves by sight his descent toward earth.
Jesus had recently pronounced woes against the Pharisees and his heart-wrenching lamentation over Jerusalem. While leaving the temple area, he answered his disciples' wonderment over the magnificence of the temple buildings with a provocative statement witnessed in Matthew 24, Luke 21 and Mark 13.
"There is not one stone laid upon another that shall not be thrown down," he said.
In Luke 21, the question is posed, "when shall these things be?" Jesus is still with the larger company of his disciples and followers as he speaks the words witnessed in that chapter, and this is not the discourse delivered later on Mount Olivet. Luke 21:37 contains the statement that Jesus taught daily at the temple and would camp nights on the Mount of Olives; this explains the plausibility that there were two discussions on the question of the destruction of the temple and the end times.
Luke's account witnesses the details Jesus gave as far as the AD 70 destruction of Jerusalem and then adds Jesus' warning that the city would be trampled until the times of the Gentiles are complete. Finally application is made briefly to the far vision of the ultimate judgment day of the lord. Luke 21 is prologue to the question posed by some close disciples who came to him privately. Enter Matthew 24.
On the Mount of Olives, Jesus spoke in answer to those disciples who privately asked him "What will be the sign of thy coming and of the end of the age?" This is a different question from "When shall these things be," referring to the destruction of the temple structures.
Mark 13:3 mentions Peter, James, John and Andrew on that mountain coming to him privately and asking "when shall these things be," referring to the end of the "aion" or age. Thus Mark witnesses how Jesus sat on the Mount of Olives opposite the temple - a vantage point that visitors today might observe is overlooking the area between the mounts and onto the temple structure itself - some of the structures nearly level to their position. It might be observed from the Law and Prophets that this was near where the Shekinah Glory delayed before rising up to heaven. Mark mentions the four while Matthew lumps the whole inner group as being there. It is quite reasonable that the four started the conversation in the inner circle and others from among Jesus' closest got caught in on it.
Matthew alone witnesses the disciples specific reference to "the sign of thy coming and of the end of the age," which gives Matthew the lead on the task of forming the template for Jesus teachings on the end times - therefore the New Testament template for all teaching on the end times.
What is significant to start with is that the inner group received Jesus' instruction on the end of the age; it was the seed of the church therefore receiving, and therefore us. Always it should be considered important that the teaching to those chosen disciples of apostleship is the function for forming the seed of the church, the foundation - setting in order the most important instruction directly to the Genesis church.
So consider also: Matthew 28:16-20 next. Jesus gathers his inner 11, the Genesis of the Church, and he delivers to them the Great Commission. This takes place after Jesus triumph over death as he proclaims "all authority in heaven and earth." His promise is to be with the church even unto the end of the age, the "aion" or eon. The age of the church is given definitive duration in the Great Commission, making the instructions of the Olivet Discourse of prime importance to set the context for the Great Commission - and linking the understanding of that duration with a right understanding of what the Great Tribulation is.
We as the church are informed what we will see as the sign of his coming and the termination of his Great Commission covenant, the bond between our two parties. WE are told WE must keep going, teaching, baptizing, making more disciples, until Jesus comes and the age, the church age, is over. It is over when the Great Tribulation is "cut short" and Jesus sends his holy angels to rapture the elect.
Fun stuff. Next week, delving into Matthew's witness.
It is in Matthew 24 and 25 that we see the record of the direct teaching of Jesus Christ on the end of the age. In these chapters, Jesus presents a full description of the apocalypse. Here is a template, an outline to order correctly the time factors of what transpires from "The beginning of sorrows," through "The sign of the Son of Man in heaven," that proves by sight his descent toward earth.
Jesus had recently pronounced woes against the Pharisees and his heart-wrenching lamentation over Jerusalem. While leaving the temple area, he answered his disciples' wonderment over the magnificence of the temple buildings with a provocative statement witnessed in Matthew 24, Luke 21 and Mark 13.
"There is not one stone laid upon another that shall not be thrown down," he said.
In Luke 21, the question is posed, "when shall these things be?" Jesus is still with the larger company of his disciples and followers as he speaks the words witnessed in that chapter, and this is not the discourse delivered later on Mount Olivet. Luke 21:37 contains the statement that Jesus taught daily at the temple and would camp nights on the Mount of Olives; this explains the plausibility that there were two discussions on the question of the destruction of the temple and the end times.
Luke's account witnesses the details Jesus gave as far as the AD 70 destruction of Jerusalem and then adds Jesus' warning that the city would be trampled until the times of the Gentiles are complete. Finally application is made briefly to the far vision of the ultimate judgment day of the lord. Luke 21 is prologue to the question posed by some close disciples who came to him privately. Enter Matthew 24.
On the Mount of Olives, Jesus spoke in answer to those disciples who privately asked him "What will be the sign of thy coming and of the end of the age?" This is a different question from "When shall these things be," referring to the destruction of the temple structures.
Mark 13:3 mentions Peter, James, John and Andrew on that mountain coming to him privately and asking "when shall these things be," referring to the end of the "aion" or age. Thus Mark witnesses how Jesus sat on the Mount of Olives opposite the temple - a vantage point that visitors today might observe is overlooking the area between the mounts and onto the temple structure itself - some of the structures nearly level to their position. It might be observed from the Law and Prophets that this was near where the Shekinah Glory delayed before rising up to heaven. Mark mentions the four while Matthew lumps the whole inner group as being there. It is quite reasonable that the four started the conversation in the inner circle and others from among Jesus' closest got caught in on it.
Matthew alone witnesses the disciples specific reference to "the sign of thy coming and of the end of the age," which gives Matthew the lead on the task of forming the template for Jesus teachings on the end times - therefore the New Testament template for all teaching on the end times.
What is significant to start with is that the inner group received Jesus' instruction on the end of the age; it was the seed of the church therefore receiving, and therefore us. Always it should be considered important that the teaching to those chosen disciples of apostleship is the function for forming the seed of the church, the foundation - setting in order the most important instruction directly to the Genesis church.
So consider also: Matthew 28:16-20 next. Jesus gathers his inner 11, the Genesis of the Church, and he delivers to them the Great Commission. This takes place after Jesus triumph over death as he proclaims "all authority in heaven and earth." His promise is to be with the church even unto the end of the age, the "aion" or eon. The age of the church is given definitive duration in the Great Commission, making the instructions of the Olivet Discourse of prime importance to set the context for the Great Commission - and linking the understanding of that duration with a right understanding of what the Great Tribulation is.
We as the church are informed what we will see as the sign of his coming and the termination of his Great Commission covenant, the bond between our two parties. WE are told WE must keep going, teaching, baptizing, making more disciples, until Jesus comes and the age, the church age, is over. It is over when the Great Tribulation is "cut short" and Jesus sends his holy angels to rapture the elect.
Fun stuff. Next week, delving into Matthew's witness.
Spiritual politics is needed today.
The Tea Party Patriots may the the ones to focus upon the needful thing: starting the movement for the reformation of our Constitutional Republic upon the sure foundation of the Judeo-Christian ethical standards needed to sustain it. This is where the political health of our nation needs to rest: in the arms of the loving religion of Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior.
It has been observed before: our Constitutional Republic is for a moral and religious people, and it is wholly inadequate for any other kind of people.
Many try to draw a distinction between spiritual and political focus, but the vitality of a free people includes the fact that we in America recognize the political impact of everything - EVERYTHING. Certainly we should see the political impact of a moral and religious people deciding matters in the majority.
Half a million gathered recently in Washington DC to proclaim a spiritual point of need for our culture, and it had a political impact. Some regretted the political commentary that event has drawn. Really. Christian spiritualists need to humble themselves, set aside their religious arrogance and acknowledge this political connectivity.
Don't miss this point: the church is commissioned to disciple nations - NATIONS - as we go into all the world. Jesus knew the political connectivity of his commissioned ambassadors from day ONE of the church age, and, lo, he is with us always, even unto the end of it.
It has been observed before: our Constitutional Republic is for a moral and religious people, and it is wholly inadequate for any other kind of people.
Many try to draw a distinction between spiritual and political focus, but the vitality of a free people includes the fact that we in America recognize the political impact of everything - EVERYTHING. Certainly we should see the political impact of a moral and religious people deciding matters in the majority.
Half a million gathered recently in Washington DC to proclaim a spiritual point of need for our culture, and it had a political impact. Some regretted the political commentary that event has drawn. Really. Christian spiritualists need to humble themselves, set aside their religious arrogance and acknowledge this political connectivity.
Don't miss this point: the church is commissioned to disciple nations - NATIONS - as we go into all the world. Jesus knew the political connectivity of his commissioned ambassadors from day ONE of the church age, and, lo, he is with us always, even unto the end of it.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Are you ready to cross over?

Are you able to withstand a winter at Valley Forge?
His men fled New York to survive, and suffered retreat and the lack of supply, to survive - and to bring the revolution to the next stage: forward with greater strength and determination that before.
They sacrificed, they braved hardships we can scarcely imagine. And they persevered in the end.
The fight for the reformation of our Constitutional Republic upon the proper foundation of Judeo-Christian moral and ethical standards is before us as we winter at our political Valley Forge and contemplate what to do next as betrayal from all sides seem to spell a shortening of our days.
I firmly believe what we need to begin with is the courage of our convictions to stand and to loudly describe and delineate our agenda - accepting no compromise from those who purport to represent us or ally with us. We need next to be rid of the celebrity Christians, including the celebrity pastors, who line their professional portfolio through the same compromises we abhor everywhere else in politics. We need to activate the full body of pastors and leaders who have no public portfolio, to lead our chorus for reformation.
We need our leaders, our pastors, missionaries, educators and thinkers, to take this stand regardless of the titles it may place upon us: political and personal - it is all the enemy's strategy to shut us up at a time we must live out loud and be the witness God calls us to be.
That's the team I want to be on, that's the side I want to winter with regardless the struggle, regardless the outcome in this world.
News: teens don't care about marriage
Column: Conservatives cave on values
Who saw this sort of thing coming: stunning abandonment of values and tradition in a generation of time, and leaders we would have counted on for defending culture, family and society cut and run on the most important issues defining the debate of these things in America?
That was the 1960s and 70s, now the slide is in a decade of time, and the leaders are telling us their cut and run is an advance to a better future.
In these articles, we see over-all teen acceptance of out-of-wedlock pregnancy rising close to the 70-percent mark and a 50-percent drop in teen male faithfulness to waiting - now only 12-percent of males admit to sexual abstinence waiting for marriage.
In churches across America, we see the slide for ourselves: church fellowships that see their youth run as high as 100-percent out-of-wedlock parenting, youth-culture acceptance that favors siring and bearing children as a rite of passage as common as that first job or a license.
Reasons are legion: most center on the popular media, the music, movies and TV. That is largely correct. Another reason is the total lack of religious authority. Do we hear that much?
Religious authority.
How would that even look? Does it summon images of the Taleban or other Islamic tyrants holding public executions of women who are guilty of being raped? We seem surrounded by choice of evils, and the lack of maturity to definitively move in either direction.
This is because we have forgotten our roots, who we are. We are inundated by the cynicism and taunting, the accusations, sarcasm and how our views are twisted and thrown back in our faces in ridicule. In other words, a little persecution has caused us to clam up or find ways to befriend this culture of malice toward morality.
The conclusion in commentary is that we need to bolster our church and family role models. How do we do this if we will not take a definitively courageous stand for an authoritative Judeo-Christian cultural morality and ethical standards.
We should stand for this, and we should demand that society adopt appropriate laws to establish this as our cultural context and to protect it from attack or dissolution in future generations - this in addition to a vigorous drive for renewal and personal faith restoration, the spiritual fruit of repentance.
Our triumph would be apparent by changes in individual lives as well changes in the laws - to prohibit the taking of human life without due process of law, including due process for persons in the womb. In other words, a paramount human life amendment that is the capstone of a civil rights movement for pre-born children.
Our triumph would be apparent by laws prohibiting homosexual acts and a paramount marriage amendment to the constitution defining marriage as the holy matrimonial union of one man and one woman.
Our triumph would be apparent by policy exposing Islamic tyranny for the near-eastern version of totalitarian hegemony and religious supremacy that it is.
NOTE: The authoritative foundation of our Judeo-Christian standards would be distinguished by the fact that these call for the free practice of other religions under a society of civil secular public servants that administer equal justice, the rule of law rather than the tyrannical will to power.
Our triumph would be distinguished by reforming at least one of our major political parties into a solid resource for leaders who do not compromise the integrity of our Judeo-Christian standards, but are pledged to the reformation of our Constitutional Republic upon these standards as necessary for the protection of individual liberties for all through generations to come.
Pledge upon this prayer: "Let the reformation of our Constitutional Republic begin with me."
Column: Conservatives cave on values
Who saw this sort of thing coming: stunning abandonment of values and tradition in a generation of time, and leaders we would have counted on for defending culture, family and society cut and run on the most important issues defining the debate of these things in America?
That was the 1960s and 70s, now the slide is in a decade of time, and the leaders are telling us their cut and run is an advance to a better future.
In these articles, we see over-all teen acceptance of out-of-wedlock pregnancy rising close to the 70-percent mark and a 50-percent drop in teen male faithfulness to waiting - now only 12-percent of males admit to sexual abstinence waiting for marriage.
In churches across America, we see the slide for ourselves: church fellowships that see their youth run as high as 100-percent out-of-wedlock parenting, youth-culture acceptance that favors siring and bearing children as a rite of passage as common as that first job or a license.
Reasons are legion: most center on the popular media, the music, movies and TV. That is largely correct. Another reason is the total lack of religious authority. Do we hear that much?
Religious authority.
How would that even look? Does it summon images of the Taleban or other Islamic tyrants holding public executions of women who are guilty of being raped? We seem surrounded by choice of evils, and the lack of maturity to definitively move in either direction.
This is because we have forgotten our roots, who we are. We are inundated by the cynicism and taunting, the accusations, sarcasm and how our views are twisted and thrown back in our faces in ridicule. In other words, a little persecution has caused us to clam up or find ways to befriend this culture of malice toward morality.
The conclusion in commentary is that we need to bolster our church and family role models. How do we do this if we will not take a definitively courageous stand for an authoritative Judeo-Christian cultural morality and ethical standards.
We should stand for this, and we should demand that society adopt appropriate laws to establish this as our cultural context and to protect it from attack or dissolution in future generations - this in addition to a vigorous drive for renewal and personal faith restoration, the spiritual fruit of repentance.
Our triumph would be apparent by changes in individual lives as well changes in the laws - to prohibit the taking of human life without due process of law, including due process for persons in the womb. In other words, a paramount human life amendment that is the capstone of a civil rights movement for pre-born children.
Our triumph would be apparent by laws prohibiting homosexual acts and a paramount marriage amendment to the constitution defining marriage as the holy matrimonial union of one man and one woman.
Our triumph would be apparent by policy exposing Islamic tyranny for the near-eastern version of totalitarian hegemony and religious supremacy that it is.
NOTE: The authoritative foundation of our Judeo-Christian standards would be distinguished by the fact that these call for the free practice of other religions under a society of civil secular public servants that administer equal justice, the rule of law rather than the tyrannical will to power.
Our triumph would be distinguished by reforming at least one of our major political parties into a solid resource for leaders who do not compromise the integrity of our Judeo-Christian standards, but are pledged to the reformation of our Constitutional Republic upon these standards as necessary for the protection of individual liberties for all through generations to come.
Pledge upon this prayer: "Let the reformation of our Constitutional Republic begin with me."
Friday, September 3, 2010
Islamic jihad hit15 countries and killed 140 from Friday to Thursday this week.
It's Friday, the Muslim holy day: time for a look back on the week of jihad works for "the religion of peace" - and a special this month, let's see what Islam is up to during the month of Ramadan.
Since last Friday, Islamic jihad missionaries killed, maimed and injured 550 to observe the calling by their founding emperor Muhammad to fight as he put it, "that Islam should be superior."
On Friday, Aug. 27, Islamic jihad took lives in Iraq, Thailand, Nigeria and Pakistan through ten attacks that left 18 dead and six injured, including a 35-year-old mother of three slain by her brother in an honor killing after she was suspected of having unauthorized sexual relations in Ghaziabad, Pakistan, and Boko Haram Islamist drive-by shootings that killed three police in Borno, Nigeria.
Saturday: 12 killed, two injured was the talley in Pakistan, Yemen and Thailand, with the burning of bodies in Abyan, Yemen leading the way as the attacking terrorists chanted "Allah akbar."
Sunday saw Islamist attacks in Thailand, Philippines, Iraq, Chechnya, Afghanistan and Pakistan killing 23 and injuring 23, including the kidnapping and murder by Taliban fighters in Kabul, Afghanistan of five election workers and a candidate, and a spate of Islamist shootings in Tsentoroi, Chechnya, killing seven and injuring five.
Islamic jihad attacks Aug. 30-31, included home invasions in Kurram, Pakistan, a woman and three children, seven total, killed, and al-Shabaab bombers taking out eight civilians, including three women, in Mogadishu, Somalia. A total of 36 killed and 45 injured was the two-day total in Iraq, Israel, India, Afghanistan, Somalia and Pakistan.
[Note source: - my count diverts from ROP because I count the Israeli pregnant mom killed by Hamas Islamic jihad terrorist as two dead - I understand the product of human conception to be human, a person in the womb]
September started off with 48 killed and 324 injured, some in Thailand and Afghanistan, but most from car-bomb blasts by Sunni suicide bombers in Lahore, Pakistan, sending 37 Shia pilgrims to "Allah" as they walked in a processional event.
Thursday Sept. 2, rounded out the week of deadly Islamic-must-be-superior missions of jihad, adding three dead and 10 wounded for a weekly total of 140 dead and 410 injured.
Ramadan - On Friday, September 3, it is 24 days into the Islamic holy month, and 164 jihad terrorist attacks have killed 703 in the name of Islam, compared to the other major religions: one deadly attack in the name of Hinduism against a Christian convert in India on August 26.
Since last Friday, Islamic jihad missionaries killed, maimed and injured 550 to observe the calling by their founding emperor Muhammad to fight as he put it, "that Islam should be superior."
On Friday, Aug. 27, Islamic jihad took lives in Iraq, Thailand, Nigeria and Pakistan through ten attacks that left 18 dead and six injured, including a 35-year-old mother of three slain by her brother in an honor killing after she was suspected of having unauthorized sexual relations in Ghaziabad, Pakistan, and Boko Haram Islamist drive-by shootings that killed three police in Borno, Nigeria.
Saturday: 12 killed, two injured was the talley in Pakistan, Yemen and Thailand, with the burning of bodies in Abyan, Yemen leading the way as the attacking terrorists chanted "Allah akbar."
Sunday saw Islamist attacks in Thailand, Philippines, Iraq, Chechnya, Afghanistan and Pakistan killing 23 and injuring 23, including the kidnapping and murder by Taliban fighters in Kabul, Afghanistan of five election workers and a candidate, and a spate of Islamist shootings in Tsentoroi, Chechnya, killing seven and injuring five.
Islamic jihad attacks Aug. 30-31, included home invasions in Kurram, Pakistan, a woman and three children, seven total, killed, and al-Shabaab bombers taking out eight civilians, including three women, in Mogadishu, Somalia. A total of 36 killed and 45 injured was the two-day total in Iraq, Israel, India, Afghanistan, Somalia and Pakistan.
[Note source: - my count diverts from ROP because I count the Israeli pregnant mom killed by Hamas Islamic jihad terrorist as two dead - I understand the product of human conception to be human, a person in the womb]
September started off with 48 killed and 324 injured, some in Thailand and Afghanistan, but most from car-bomb blasts by Sunni suicide bombers in Lahore, Pakistan, sending 37 Shia pilgrims to "Allah" as they walked in a processional event.
Thursday Sept. 2, rounded out the week of deadly Islamic-must-be-superior missions of jihad, adding three dead and 10 wounded for a weekly total of 140 dead and 410 injured.
Ramadan - On Friday, September 3, it is 24 days into the Islamic holy month, and 164 jihad terrorist attacks have killed 703 in the name of Islam, compared to the other major religions: one deadly attack in the name of Hinduism against a Christian convert in India on August 26.
Stand for truth, stand against the tyranny of Islam!
Another scathingly corrupt diatribe by Michael Gerson caught my eye at
So a church in Florida will remember the Sept. 11, 2001 jihad attacks against us made in the name of Islam by burning the Quran? I can't comment on the appropriateness or the possible grand standing specifically, but there is a right way to do it.
It is Islamic jihad, hudna and taqiyya that are evils taught in the Quran, and ignorance is an attitude of stupidity that is often held in the name of Christian charity - we'll just give in, put our heads in the sand and let these Satanic, anti-Christian doctrines of demons over-run our culture without a stand in witness against them?
Or we could hold an event featuring the public burning of the Quran.
This "libricide" may prove the existence of a few witnesses against the tyranny and false prophecy of Islam, and may turn out anything but "attention-seeking crackpots in a continental country."
Yes, "the Manhattan mosque controversy has exposed a broader, conservative Christian suspicion of mosques and Muslims." GOOD!!! I hope it stirs up much more, for far from Gerson's idiotic diatribe against the Christian church is the fact that God's people are over due on this issue.
It seems Mr. Gerson would like Christianity to fit his pre-conceived notion of social irrelevance and a total lack of fighting spirit to stand for TRUTH. Maybe God's people should not conform to Mr. Gerson's ideal Christianity, the roll-over and do nothing kind.
The fact is, Mr. Gerson, God knows Islamic history is replete with the erection of Islamic structures on sites deemed important cultural points of vitality or of Islamic victory over its enemies. The mosque on Israel's temple mount is an example: no historical significance at all for Islam, but there it is to stand as a monument of Islam's superiority over Jewish culture in Jerusalem.
Far from ignorant extremism, this Quran burning may well be the very responsible thing for Christian churches across the country to do for a witness against Islamic evil to develop. What in the world is "Heroic Conservatism" [your book Mr. Gerson] if peaceable protest is to be discredited if against the grievous circumstances of Islamic jihad blood-lust, Muslim supremacy, subterfuge and the Quran's many other tyrannical burdens that plague humanity? Straw men, really?
Mr. Gerson, you sound oh so RINO moderate, made of straw, to me. Hopefully, more Christian churches will stand in witness against Islam, and call for God's grace and strength to do so: remember, grace begins with the proper understanding of man's sinful offenses against God and the truth.
So a church in Florida will remember the Sept. 11, 2001 jihad attacks against us made in the name of Islam by burning the Quran? I can't comment on the appropriateness or the possible grand standing specifically, but there is a right way to do it.
It is Islamic jihad, hudna and taqiyya that are evils taught in the Quran, and ignorance is an attitude of stupidity that is often held in the name of Christian charity - we'll just give in, put our heads in the sand and let these Satanic, anti-Christian doctrines of demons over-run our culture without a stand in witness against them?
Or we could hold an event featuring the public burning of the Quran.
This "libricide" may prove the existence of a few witnesses against the tyranny and false prophecy of Islam, and may turn out anything but "attention-seeking crackpots in a continental country."
Yes, "the Manhattan mosque controversy has exposed a broader, conservative Christian suspicion of mosques and Muslims." GOOD!!! I hope it stirs up much more, for far from Gerson's idiotic diatribe against the Christian church is the fact that God's people are over due on this issue.
It seems Mr. Gerson would like Christianity to fit his pre-conceived notion of social irrelevance and a total lack of fighting spirit to stand for TRUTH. Maybe God's people should not conform to Mr. Gerson's ideal Christianity, the roll-over and do nothing kind.
The fact is, Mr. Gerson, God knows Islamic history is replete with the erection of Islamic structures on sites deemed important cultural points of vitality or of Islamic victory over its enemies. The mosque on Israel's temple mount is an example: no historical significance at all for Islam, but there it is to stand as a monument of Islam's superiority over Jewish culture in Jerusalem.
Far from ignorant extremism, this Quran burning may well be the very responsible thing for Christian churches across the country to do for a witness against Islamic evil to develop. What in the world is "Heroic Conservatism" [your book Mr. Gerson] if peaceable protest is to be discredited if against the grievous circumstances of Islamic jihad blood-lust, Muslim supremacy, subterfuge and the Quran's many other tyrannical burdens that plague humanity? Straw men, really?
Mr. Gerson, you sound oh so RINO moderate, made of straw, to me. Hopefully, more Christian churches will stand in witness against Islam, and call for God's grace and strength to do so: remember, grace begins with the proper understanding of man's sinful offenses against God and the truth.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Is Obama a criminal?

Is he really the most destructive President in American history? Obama is arguably completing a long road to irreversible dissolution of America's Constitutional Republic - and if so, the "final nail in the coffin" would be long remembered.
I believe the most destructive President in American history was Woodrow Wilson, and the road began before him. The road back to Constitutional restoration will also be long: it begins with a resolute stand for a Judeo-Christian ethical foundation as optimal, perhaps exclusively necessary for developing a culture of public service and individual accountability that allows the existence of government by consent of the governed.
"An attorney and bestselling author believes Barack Obama's presidency is the most destructive administration the United States has ever known and warns that it will do far-reaching damage if it is not stopped and reversed.
According to David Limbaugh, his latest book -- Crimes Against Liberty: An Indictment of President Barack Obama -- aims to give readers all the evidence they need to vote Obama's cronies out in November. He says Obama is a blind ideologue whose narcissism and ego feed his seemingly unstoppable ambition to transform America."
See the full One News Now article here:
According to David Limbaugh, his latest book -- Crimes Against Liberty: An Indictment of President Barack Obama -- aims to give readers all the evidence they need to vote Obama's cronies out in November. He says Obama is a blind ideologue whose narcissism and ego feed his seemingly unstoppable ambition to transform America."
See the full One News Now article here:
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