It is possible for Islamic theologian rulers: the Imams, Ayatollahs, Sheiks and Mullahs, to say with a facet of honesty that Islam is compatible with America's Constitutional government, and that Jihad is nothing more than an internal struggle, because that is what they want it to be FOR THE TIME BEING as a situation of TRUCE - [Hoodna?] is in place during the phase of Islamic growth within our society.
When ordered, the fifth-column inside, joined by force from without, would seek to destroy our Constitutional government and every semblance of democracy completely and for ever: Islam would at that future time rule that our Constitutional government is not compatible with Islam.
Remember the old, "what's mine is mine, what's yours is negotiable?"
For now, Jihad is in stealth mode: it's struggle really is internal, within Islamic circles right down to the individual mosque and family where honor codes and mafia-style intimidation keep the growing community of troops in line.
The martyrs of Islam bear witness to what Islam is about: murderous blood lust and tyranny. Martyred Christians bear witness to what Christ is all about: repentance and faith for joyful forgiveness, self denial and loving service to friends, neighbors and even our enemies.