"I will bless them that bless thee and curse them that curse thee." Thus is humanity warned to do unto the house of Israel as a matter of loyalty to God Almighty. In America, it can be said that this is a matter of loyalty to traditional Judeo-Christian morality and of ethical treatment of our brother in the cause of Zion inasmuch as our American evangelical tradition puts it: Maranatha, even so come Lord Jesus. It is also a matter of practical recognition of a vibrant, artistic, moral and cultured democracy in the Middle East - arguably one of the most valuable cultural legacies of human history.
I agree, "America is cursed by Obama's appeasement politics to the Muslims and against America's #1 ally, Israel," as Robert Kunst, president of Shalom International puts it in a recent rant against a Florida Republican. Kunst is a candidate for congress there.
Kunst said Obama has betrayed Israel, and therefore, I add, our evangelical, Judeo-Christian morality, "on 100 different levels." He outlines a few:
1. Obama wants to divide Jerusalem. "This '2-state' insanity would mean the end of the Jewish state. [Terrorist leaders] only last week said there would be 'no Jews' on any Arab lands, ... [and] also now want to go back to 1948 borders, and Obama is backing this insanity."
2. Obama recently compared Israeli treatment of Islamic terrorist threats that were criticized as "Muslim Humiliation" to German atrocities during the Holocaust of World War II.
3. Obama ignored five Arab Wars and two Intifida uprisings targeting any Jews possible for deadly terrorist attacks, and he overlooked 900,000 Jews thrown out, their properties stolen, of Arab countries in 1948, soon after the founding of modern Israel.
4. Obama, only two weeks ago, callously sided with German Insurance Companies in their stonewalling against payment of compensation claims made on behalf Holocaust survivors.
5. Obama calls Israel's desire to protect the burial place of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and their wives, a cultural, historical landmark, a 'provocation' to the Muslims. Jews were not allowed up the steps to view the site when it was under Muslim control
6. Obama continually insults the Jewish religion, "and he attacks our 5000 yr. 'Covenant with God' and our 5000 yr. 'occupation' of what God gave us," Kunst said, noting Israel's added legitimacy stemming from the 1929 and League of Nations position stating the land is for the Jews.
7. Obama supports the Cordoba project mosque expansion, a project known to be a statement of Islamic victory by martyrdom at the sight of the world trade center. "This means nothing to Obama who wants to give it all to the very people screaming "Death to Israel" and "Death to America," Kunst said.
He added his characterization of the proposed Islamic center as the "Mass Murder Mosque," that would aid "the very same Islamic Nazis who are responsible for 9-11," Kunst said.
"The debate we never had after 9-11 is raging now," Kunst said. "I can tell you, after being in the streets for 325 rallies and events since Oct. 2007 and after 1,225 news interviews to "Keep Jerusalem United" and to "Fight terrorism and to protect and defend America and Israel" that the public is against this Mosque and the numbers are only growing larger."
I add, God bless these efforts to stand against the global tyranny of Islam, known by the fallacies and extremes stated as binding for all Muslims by Islamic Shariah law, a legal code derived from the same sayings, writings and stories, chiefly the Koran, as religious Islam is.
And God bless Israel and Jerusalem, to keep the peace of Jerusalem, to keep this people through Jacob's trouble and bring about the times of Israel's refreshing - Maranatha indeed.
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