The first moral authority rests with the Word of God, and the eons of prophetic perspective it bears to judge the issues of homosexual and heterosexual evils equally. Homosexualism adds to the erosion of value strengths in society because it is one more burden of sin that diminishes the honor of human sexuality as God created it.
It is an especially aggravating form of sexual abuse because it is premised on rejection of the natural use of the opposite sex and sexual desire toward the same sex. I believe heterosexuals have an inalienable right to be protected from exposure to this lust, not because it is "icky," [gay's are famous for good hygiene and dapper appearance] I would demand that moral, religious individuals win and keep rights to their sexual purity: to not be confronted with vulnerable situations such as suffering their nakedness to be revealed to homosexuals by subterfuge or coercive circumstance.
We protect the rights of women not to be exposed to peeping toms, and will charge offending men with sexual felony offenses if they sneak and prowl around woman's bathrooms or shower rooms. It's a felony for a man set up video equipment to monitor woman's dressing rooms - it's equally illegal for a woman to do the same thing. The criminality is equal to a lesbian entering a woman's changing room at the Y to have objects of their sexual desire revealed to them that way.
It is an equally criminal and heinous act for a homosexual to be in closed-quarter living conditions in the military to have the nakedness of the object their sexual desires revealed to them in a circumstance that is coercive against the interest of heterosexual soldiers. These heterosexuals would have no choice in the matter if it were policy.
Homosexual men should have sought to avoid the entrapment of desire toward other men knowing it to be evil and sin before God and lesbian women should have shunned the desire for other women, and likewise, pedophiles should have fled from that immoral sexual orientation in their minds before it converted their hearts to such a sexually abusive lust. God warns in his Holy Word that this has led to many being given over to a reprobate mind.
I add for clarification that I do not fear or find as if repugnant any sinner, for I also have sinned: there are no rocks in my hand to cast the first stone. Nevertheless, where such sexual abuses may victimize so many heterosexual persons, my children and future generations included, I must take a strong stand. Homosexualism has gone too far. Defining marriage down to the level of what God's Word has clearly warned against as evil is a "coexistence" deal breaker. Forcing heterosexual soldiers to expose themselves to lusting homosexual intruders is a "coexistence" deal breaker.
I would ask that our society and culture favor morality that pays respect to healthy heterosexual commitments defining marriage for what our better Judeo-Christian traditions have developed it to be: vows between a man and a woman for family and for life. I also demand that our laws protect heterosexuals from any form of unwanted contact or exposure before homosexual lust, for it is a form of sexual assault to have one's nakedness forcibly revealed to those whose sexual orientation is to desire sexually after it.
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