The practical application of a Bible-centered world view includes insights on the national debate in America.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
The Marxist Dialectical Method, or Jihadist subterfuge allowed by Fatwa?

The Liberal Left "in bed" with Shariah Islam? Oh, really? For how long?
Dennis Prager, August 31
The liberal left of today has an apparently inexplicable affinity for the growth of Islam in America - with blind disregard for what Shariah Islamic authority has in store for those trapped within its brutal, savage tyranny, and the eventual victims that the left is famous for defending: women, homosexuals, atheist intellectuals, to name a few.
It is intellectual dishonesty, what we used to know as the Marxist Dialectical Method. Either these academicians, journalists and political leaders are blocked beyond belief or they know this is the classical Marxist game, and they want it. Make a more dynamic analysis of the situation and you can find the possibility of a grand scheme to use the useful idiots - achieve the societal chaos they need to gain complete and permanent control.
I think there are plenty of the liberal left completely knowledgeable of the inevitable consequence of growing sectarian subcultural Islamic communities in the West. There will come a time that social demographics will turn some magic corner - and far from the static analysis conclusion happening - of the society sliding Islamic like wimpish lemmings - the Marxist left will introduce their classic dynamic response system and close against Islamic threats and instigate the strife necessary for a permanent power grab.
For those who are patriots of a Constitutional Republic in the future for our nation, this becomes a choice of terrible evils that free-ranges into the realm of apocalyptic ruin.
Far from complaining about Muslims and political liberals, however, we should rise up on wings like eagles and take a moral high ground knowing what we are about, to fight for the restoration of our Constitutional Republic and the solid foundation of a Judeo-Christian ethical standard. We should instruct our culture what the proper design of a free nation is, how freedom works - and do so WITHOUT APOLOGY OR COMPROMISE.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Must Tea Patriots be tarred and feathered by lame inuendo and twisted logic?
Gerson launches into a tirade against Tea Party Patriots that borders on an irrational hatred or phobia, and he can't help cherry-picking quotes without context - all that typical RINO GOP politics crap. But I just like answering his questions:
"A second question of tea party candidates: Do you believe that American identity is undermined by immigration?"
I believe most every Tea Party Patriot I have ever met has bragged on America as the sum-total of its immigration legacy. What we are today, and what we have been, is the continual addition of freedom and opportunity seekers arriving from every distant land across the globe.
We do not want, and we must not tolerate, this national legacy to be polluted by immigration lawlessness. Again, like the question of a federal government pursuing powers with lawless abandon - unchecked by constitutional restraints that our forefathers warned must be kept in place - our immigration policies must be tempered by lawful due process.
Those who sneak in do so in violation of our laws, and on this point, they are an intrusion that stands as a direct assault on the integrity of our borders, therefore our distinction as a sovereign, independent nation.
"Question three: Do you believe that gun rights are relevant to the health care debate?"
The right to bear arms is brilliantly relevant to the question of whether or not crystal-clear messages from the vast majority of the people is heard by the established powers governing our federal government in our name yet somehow against our will.
"Thus always to tyrants" is not just a motto, it is the calling of every patriot. While "thus always" is vouchsafed through a peaceful political process, all is well. If we can go ahead and hang our offending leaders in effigy - we should do this as a statement of traditional patriotic activism - as part of our right to peaceably assemble and redress our government for certain grievances, and we can vote for new leaders, all is well.
The bottom line should be placed on the table, however, that if a majority government duly voted by a majority of the people is again manipulated away from such a majority of popular will, then the ballot box will have been proven compromised by tyrant despotism. That's when the gloves come off, patriots must rally to the sound of guns, and "thus always to tyrants" must be carried out by force of arms.
Michael Gerson fails to understand the consequences of tyranny that we "populists" are experiencing here in "flyoverland," far from Washington DC. He is blind to the threat that we know: the specter of a GOP/DNC despotism in place through multi-national corporate corruption that might have eroded the power of this nation's ruling class, its voting citizens, to mandate a set of demands for our representatives, our hired help, to follow.
That's why we need to mention the second amendment, Mr. Gerson.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Must the TEA Party squish into the mold of GOP RINOs?
Gerson says that Republicans need to ask three questions of candidates rising on the tea party wave, with the first one being:
Do you believe that Social Security and Medicare are unconstitutional? "This seems to be the unguarded view of Colorado Republican U.S. Senate candidate Ken Buck and other tea party advocates of 'constitutionalism.' It reflects a conviction that the federal government only has powers specifically enumerated in the Constitution -- which doesn't mention retirement insurance or health care."
I insist, however, that Americans must put the federal government on task with obeying the law - if it is not described and delineated as a function of federal authority, it is not supported for federal involvement.
We must have this discussion, and all our favorite programs and projects must be on the table. The path back from federal activities in violation of Constitutional law will have to be taken carefully over time - with additional discussion as to how the states will respond to what their interests are if some programs or activities are supported by their electorates.
The fact of our political situation today is that it might be too late for such a reformation of Constitutional law: it might be a losing proposition in our sound-bite culture of high-dollar, white-collar lobbying and campaign financing political manipulation.
That is not for certain, however. The electorate is maturing because of the TEA Party, and the patriots leading this movement are not taking prisoners. Nor are they centralizing themselves into a monumental institution that can be bought and sold like modern brand name GOP/DNC politics in America.
TEA Party Patriots will march forward, and I am with them. The steps need to be ironed out: one of the first is to propose a new identity for the Republican brand name, one that its current franchisees, the RINOs in charge now, will abhor. We can take and form of the GOP a proclaimed Constitutional Republican Party, and insist that its leaders and candidates stand for Constitutional law.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Stop homophobia, speak the truth in love: homosexuality is a form of sexual abuse.

The problem is hate if we oppose this sexual abuse by the wrath of man, if we harbor violence or insult for insult; what is a truthful response to an insult like this, implying that our opposition is a matter of insecure fear? Since the wrath of man works nothing of God's righteousness, the right, loving response would be speaking the truth in love.
Speak we must, and now that Homosexual politics seeks to destroy the meaning of marriage by defining it down to include their unholy unions debasing humanity, we must be direct, frank and fearless. Note: Homophobia, fear of homosexuality, is truly craven and cowardly avoidance of what homosexuality is before God: a form of sexual abuse.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Stand without fear, and denounce also the tyrannical suppression and manipulation through political, mass media and educational institutions in league with the homosexual agenda. Politically, it is homosexualism, it is evil and destructive of our culture, it is a force that approves, favors and promotes acts of sexual abuse.
Their agenda includes destroying the meaning of marriage, and therefore destroying family as we know it. This end effect is what a round-table of homosexual activists and supporters said they wanted years before it emerged as an open strategy.
They even spoke of the difficulty of recruiting partners for bogus marriages when brainstorming the strategy in a radio broadcast discussion that aired in the Chicago area Wednesday morning, June 25, 1991.
Listening, I could not believe such an unlikely ploy. I didn't know then, but I was witnessing the premeditated plot to murder marriage in America. In 1991, the concept of laws to force society to accept marriages of men with other men and of women with other women seemed ludicrous, laughable.
It was and is foolish and destructive, but there was one thing that it never was: laughable. I'm not laughing at the murder marriage plot anymore.
The discussion included a harsh-voiced man who denounced family, religion and marriage as toys of an oblivious enemy that allowed him to be abused and rejected as a boy, adding, "why would we ever want to go into a church, play like some groom or bride and be a part of that crap?"
A woman who seemed to be the moderator of the discussion corrected him, and said that if their "brothers and sisters of the cause" would step forward, "we could force the other side to accept our unions for the sake of equality, and that would be it."
"That would be what?" the man asked.
"That would be it, family, marriage, none of it would have any meaning at all anymore."
"YES," the man said. "Hey, that's perfect! That's how we can really get rid of all that marriage crap!"
Christians must stand up for the institution of family as it is, a design by God Almighty of creation, the coupling of a man and a woman vouchsafed for life. This is an aspect of the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ, as he said, ". . . teaching them whatsoever I have commanded you . . ."
There will be unsavory confrontation; though unsavory to us, it is a blessing before God Almighty who commands us to go and speak his truth. That settles the matter. It's called obedience - into the darkness of this age, we must move forward for truth.
The true homophobes are the ones who fear this confrontation, who are craven and self-serving, loving their lives in this world; they give lame excuses of being "all things to all men," even when that means approving the atrocities of homosexual behavior that God has warned is a form of sexual abuse.
I am witness to actual motives, now hidden, behind what we see today - the homosexual agenda to redefine marriage. I remember the discussion, and the plot that won the day according to the Chicago-area radio broadcast of that homosexual activist round table June 25, 1991.
I remember the date and place because I was staying in the Chicago area with the parents of my soon-to-be wife Ruth as we drew near to our Saturday, June 28 wedding day.
The homosexual agenda is aimed at depriving our children and grandchildren of the same marriage and family strengths that sheltered us as we grew up in a community that rested on the secure foundation of Judeo-Christian values.
Even now, holy matrimony is made a mockery of by these lying and sacrilegious marriage frauds. Marriage and family contextual meanings are lost in the moral pollution, the depraved, ungodly and unworthy institutionalization of sexually abusive unions recognized by the laws of society.
I do not mean to diminish the importance of keeping law enforcement focused on proper peacekeeping - avoiding the tyranny of allowing an agenda of moral policing that would diminish everyone's freedom to live according to the disciplines of their own conscious.
This redefining of marriage, however, stands to pollute the institution of family, and therefore rob and injure future generations of all familial meaning.
Stand upon your religious freedom to believe in what God says marriage is. Speak according to your freedom to protest and argue for the side of God's truth to transform this nation through the results of Christian Biblical disciplines. Live out loud before God and be blessed, for without you - God's people - society would stand against God's truth and, far from neutrality in matters of religion, demand a new religiosity that is abhorrent to God.
Alternatives on immigration
I wonder if it is reasonable to have only one consequence for violating our immigration laws. Get the state governments fully engaged. Charging felonies for being found in a state illegally from another country, and giving the states authority to assign full consequence of illegal immigration appears reasonable to me: suspended imprisonment terms and mandatory restitution to the state and federal government.
If illegal aliens cut a deal, [turn themselves in] the consequences can be bargained down to misdemeanors with mandatory restitution and suspended jail time. The bottom line either way would be to acknowledge the violation of law and exact a monetary restitution toward expenses such as immigration enforcement costs, government services, court and legal fees.
Illegals would be given court-ordered conditional visas, and jailed pending its processing through the appropriate immigration offices. It should be illegal to obtain medical or social services as an illegal alien, and fraud that adds to charges and restitution levels.
When illegals are incapable of paying for their crimes, they should be jailed and deported. It seems a shame to me that we don't have indentured servitude programs for labor-intensive alternatives to deportment in those cases, and as an added venue for opening up legal immigration.
David Limbaugh exposes anti-Christian tyranny
It is a shameful and unacceptable attack against the religious freedoms of Christians for the federal courts to forbid this program of honoring fallen state troopers with publicly displayed crosses along Utah roadways.
In the name of an invisible right for unknown "random motorists" to not see that there are Christian beliefs held by others of their fellow citizens, the panel of judges has suppressed the free expression of Christian belief.
This is their interpretation of "Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion or forbidding the free exercise thereof . . ." How stupid are WE not to protest this tyranny with strong and forceful might: the hanging of judges in effigy sounds good.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
How dense are you?
Maybe you don't know: the product of human conception is HUMAN, not animal vegetable or mineral.
Maybe you don't know: the product of human conception is biologically replete and developing right away.
Maybe you don't know: personhood applies to all humans who are being, (biologically replete and developing)
Maybe you don't know: Our Constitutional law protects life and liberty of ALL PERSONS in our land, citizen or not yet citizen, born or not yet born, so neither shall be deprived without due process of law. [Amendment 14]
You might not have known before, but now you do. It's God's truth, and all shall answer to God Almighty for the holocaust of abortion killing millions. How will God judge this nation for this holocaust? Judgment unto restoration or judgment unto inhalation - that is what we really still don't know.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Pelosium findings released:

The rumors are true. Research institute findings have been confirmed. The quest for new-element, Pelosium, has culminated in a stunning announcement by scientists. Rumors and hints at such research date back to early research backer Richard Galen. Congratulations, Rick, for such "solid" vindication.
Early Galen research link
Scientists name dense-element find
A major research institution announced Thursday, August 19, their discovery of an element they say is by far the densest yet known to science. The new element has been named Pelosium.
The Pelosium they were able to isolate consists of a neutron, 12 assistant neutrons, 75 deputy neutrons and 224 assistant deputy neutrons, giving it an atomic mass of 311. However they fear there is no uniform atomic mass for the element, making it extremely unstable.
Researchers said the particles are held together by dark forces called morons, and these are surrounded by vast quantities of lepton-like particles called peons. The symbol of Pelosium is PU.
Another observation they add is that though dense, Pelosium is dynamic: it's mass actually increases over time as morons randomly interact with various elements in the atmosphere and become additional assistant deputy neutrons within the Pelosium atom, leading to the formation of isodopes.
This dynamic is where unknown chain-reactionary damage can occur over time, they warn.
This characteristic of moron-promotion leads some scientists to believe that Pelosium is formed whenever morons reach a certain quantity in concentration. This hypothetical quantity is referred to as Critical Morass.
When catalyzed with another element unknown to these researchers, a "green" element they call "money," Pelosium activates a reactionary chain system that usually begins with the ratio dynamic: C-N-N :: ad-nausium, an element compound that radiates orders of magnitude, then more energy, albeit this is manifest as incoherent noise due to the fact that it has half as many peons but twice as many morons as regular or dormant Pelosium.
Scientists are warning that listening to this incoherent noise eventually leads to long-term impacts on human health and may cause other adverse effects in those of weak intellectual foundation.
Screaming feministas?
Feminist extremism is going global
She outlines the latest in feminist extremism, using the U.S. State Department, foreign aid and our tax dollars to fund their "NGOs" and expand their agenda globally. She concludes:
Feminist orthodoxy teaches that there are no innate differences between males and females with one exception. Men are naturally batterers and women are naturally victims.
Does anyone dare to think that the State Department report will call for stopping the violence against women committed by mandatory abortions to carry out a government's one-child policy? Or report on sex-selective abortions to kill unborn girl babies because parents prefer a boy baby?
If our State Department wants to help women in other countries, how about reporting to the American people about the atrocities against women committed by Muslim countries that use Shariah law. That includes forced marriages, child marriages, so-called "honor" murders, polygamy, and death by stoning as punishment for women who commit adultery.
The State Department could do something very useful by refusing to grant visas or immigrant status to anyone who supports Shariah punishments or genital mutilation of women. That would be an inexpensive way to stop a lot of violence against women.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
WAKE UP!!! Register, fight and win:
Same-sex "weddings" in California are on hold indefinitely after a federal appeals court blocked them while it considers the constitutionality of the state's ban on homosexual unions.
The issue has awakened a firestorm, and to the believing disciple of Christ, that means it is a calling to inform society of the teachings of Christ about the perversion of homosexual deviancy: defined in scripture as a cursed form of sexual abuse.
Marching orders!!!

Homosexualism, the political cause of homosexuality, fights to redefine marriage as inclusive of men with other men and women with other women, and this is an affront to Judeo-Christian moral and religious tradition in America. It... is a co-existence deal breaker, intolerable.
Right Christianity that remains orthodox and loyal to the scriptures should stand up, now, and reject homosexuality upon this visible attack against our culture - this effort to force new moral and religious founding for our culture.
Those loyal to Christ, under His Great Commission to teach the nations to observe His teachings, have a calling to stand against homosexuality and expose this perversion of Sodom for the cursed form of sexual abuse that it is, that we know it to be from simple, plenary reading of God's Word.
Wake up!!! Stand up!!! Deliver as a service to God Almighty and our fellow man a moral and religious foundation for laws to prohibit homosexuality and to provide a Constitutional Amendment to define the institution of marriage - vouchsafed from including orientations such as homosexuality, bestiality and pedophilia.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Are you a card-carrying member of America's ruling class?
It truly does alarm me that so many people are complaining about, not competing in, the governance of this country. People are griping about the "ruling elites" getting all they want, but what have you done about it, brother?
You, the American, have the responsibility, accountable before God Almighty, to tell your government, and the hired help elected in YOUR NAME, how this country is to operate. If they don't get the message the first time, it is your obligation for the sake of your own future and your posterity, to keep sending the message.
If I had brother patriots with me, I would plan more than "attendance" at local and national events. Truth is, our hired help is not getting our message, and they deserve to see themselves hanged in effigy, their name and likeness torched in the night, as an old-fashioned peaceable protest to redress our grievances.
And a great big, "SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS" on top of that along with best wishes that we the people can "sic semper tyrannis" these wicked, deceitful charlatans through the ballot box at every soonest opportunity.
NOTE: to become a card-carrying member of America's ruling class, be sure to register as a voter, then carry your voter-registration card with you at all times, ready to remind others, especially the hired help we elect, who owns the positions of public service they occupy in our name.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
I have my copy, and I'll guard it well

1. The federal governments must obey our Constitutional laws. Voters are the ruling class, and politicians are our hired help, so they should do as told and obey the law.
2. Shariah Islam is a foreign government system under the guise of religion, and must be exposed and opposed, and no quarter given to these enemies of freedom.
3. I'm here, I'm NOT queer, get used to it: I have a religious right to understand from God's Word the Bible that homosexuality is a form of sexual abuse, and Judeo-Christian marriage and family traditions should not be suffered to be redefined according to homosexual deviancy.
God bless Israel
I agree, "America is cursed by Obama's appeasement politics to the Muslims and against America's #1 ally, Israel," as Robert Kunst, president of Shalom International puts it in a recent rant against a Florida Republican. Kunst is a candidate for congress there.
Kunst said Obama has betrayed Israel, and therefore, I add, our evangelical, Judeo-Christian morality, "on 100 different levels." He outlines a few:
1. Obama wants to divide Jerusalem. "This '2-state' insanity would mean the end of the Jewish state. [Terrorist leaders] only last week said there would be 'no Jews' on any Arab lands, ... [and] also now want to go back to 1948 borders, and Obama is backing this insanity."
2. Obama recently compared Israeli treatment of Islamic terrorist threats that were criticized as "Muslim Humiliation" to German atrocities during the Holocaust of World War II.
3. Obama ignored five Arab Wars and two Intifida uprisings targeting any Jews possible for deadly terrorist attacks, and he overlooked 900,000 Jews thrown out, their properties stolen, of Arab countries in 1948, soon after the founding of modern Israel.
4. Obama, only two weeks ago, callously sided with German Insurance Companies in their stonewalling against payment of compensation claims made on behalf Holocaust survivors.
5. Obama calls Israel's desire to protect the burial place of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and their wives, a cultural, historical landmark, a 'provocation' to the Muslims. Jews were not allowed up the steps to view the site when it was under Muslim control
6. Obama continually insults the Jewish religion, "and he attacks our 5000 yr. 'Covenant with God' and our 5000 yr. 'occupation' of what God gave us," Kunst said, noting Israel's added legitimacy stemming from the 1929 and League of Nations position stating the land is for the Jews.
7. Obama supports the Cordoba project mosque expansion, a project known to be a statement of Islamic victory by martyrdom at the sight of the world trade center. "This means nothing to Obama who wants to give it all to the very people screaming "Death to Israel" and "Death to America," Kunst said.
He added his characterization of the proposed Islamic center as the "Mass Murder Mosque," that would aid "the very same Islamic Nazis who are responsible for 9-11," Kunst said.
"The debate we never had after 9-11 is raging now," Kunst said. "I can tell you, after being in the streets for 325 rallies and events since Oct. 2007 and after 1,225 news interviews to "Keep Jerusalem United" and to "Fight terrorism and to protect and defend America and Israel" that the public is against this Mosque and the numbers are only growing larger."
I add, God bless these efforts to stand against the global tyranny of Islam, known by the fallacies and extremes stated as binding for all Muslims by Islamic Shariah law, a legal code derived from the same sayings, writings and stories, chiefly the Koran, as religious Islam is.
And God bless Israel and Jerusalem, to keep the peace of Jerusalem, to keep this people through Jacob's trouble and bring about the times of Israel's refreshing - Maranatha indeed.
Friday, August 13, 2010
How is homosexuality judged as evil?
It is an especially aggravating form of sexual abuse because it is premised on rejection of the natural use of the opposite sex and sexual desire toward the same sex. I believe heterosexuals have an inalienable right to be protected from exposure to this lust, not because it is "icky," [gay's are famous for good hygiene and dapper appearance] I would demand that moral, religious individuals win and keep rights to their sexual purity: to not be confronted with vulnerable situations such as suffering their nakedness to be revealed to homosexuals by subterfuge or coercive circumstance.
We protect the rights of women not to be exposed to peeping toms, and will charge offending men with sexual felony offenses if they sneak and prowl around woman's bathrooms or shower rooms. It's a felony for a man set up video equipment to monitor woman's dressing rooms - it's equally illegal for a woman to do the same thing. The criminality is equal to a lesbian entering a woman's changing room at the Y to have objects of their sexual desire revealed to them that way.
It is an equally criminal and heinous act for a homosexual to be in closed-quarter living conditions in the military to have the nakedness of the object their sexual desires revealed to them in a circumstance that is coercive against the interest of heterosexual soldiers. These heterosexuals would have no choice in the matter if it were policy.
Homosexual men should have sought to avoid the entrapment of desire toward other men knowing it to be evil and sin before God and lesbian women should have shunned the desire for other women, and likewise, pedophiles should have fled from that immoral sexual orientation in their minds before it converted their hearts to such a sexually abusive lust. God warns in his Holy Word that this has led to many being given over to a reprobate mind.
I add for clarification that I do not fear or find as if repugnant any sinner, for I also have sinned: there are no rocks in my hand to cast the first stone. Nevertheless, where such sexual abuses may victimize so many heterosexual persons, my children and future generations included, I must take a strong stand. Homosexualism has gone too far. Defining marriage down to the level of what God's Word has clearly warned against as evil is a "coexistence" deal breaker. Forcing heterosexual soldiers to expose themselves to lusting homosexual intruders is a "coexistence" deal breaker.
I would ask that our society and culture favor morality that pays respect to healthy heterosexual commitments defining marriage for what our better Judeo-Christian traditions have developed it to be: vows between a man and a woman for family and for life. I also demand that our laws protect heterosexuals from any form of unwanted contact or exposure before homosexual lust, for it is a form of sexual assault to have one's nakedness forcibly revealed to those whose sexual orientation is to desire sexually after it.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
We can respond properly to the narcissistic, sociopathic hypocrisy of California's Gay activist judge thanks to Frank Turek.
"Court-imposed same-sex marriage has severely affected First Amendment rights. Same sex marriage may not affect heterosexual marriage behavior quickly, but it certainly affects the free exercise of religion very quickly.
Parents in Massachusetts now have no right to know when their children are being taught homosexuality in grades as low as Kindergarten, neither can they opt their kids out (one parent was even jailed overnight for protesting this). Businesses are now forced to give benefits to same-sex couples regardless of any moral or religious objection the business owner may have. The government also ordered Catholic Charities to give children to homosexuals wanting to adopt. As a result, Catholic Charities closed their adoption agency rather than submit to an immoral order. Unfortunately, children are again the victims of the morality that comes with same-sex marriage.
“But you can’t legislate morality!” some say. Nonsense. Not only do all laws legislate morality, sometimes immorality is imposed by judges against the will of the people and in violation of religious rights. There is no neutral ground here. Either we will have freedom of religion and conscience, or we will be forced to adhere to the whims of judges who declare that their own distorted view of morality supersedes our rights—rights that our founders declared self-evident.
Think I’m overreacting? If this decision survives and nullifies all democratically decided laws in the 45 states that preserve natural marriage, religious rights violations in Massachusetts will go nationwide. In fact, it’s poised to happen already at the federal level. President Obama recently appointed gay activist Chai Feldblum to the EEOC. Speaking of the inevitable conflict between religious rights and so-called gay rights, Feldblum said, “I’m having a hard time coming up with any case in which religious liberty should win.”
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
When ordered, the fifth-column inside, joined by force from without, would seek to destroy our Constitutional government and every semblance of democracy completely and for ever: Islam would at that future time rule that our Constitutional government is not compatible with Islam.
Remember the old, "what's mine is mine, what's yours is negotiable?"
For now, Jihad is in stealth mode: it's struggle really is internal, within Islamic circles right down to the individual mosque and family where honor codes and mafia-style intimidation keep the growing community of troops in line.
Read up on Shariah Islam.

The fact is, Shariah despotism [Islam] is religiously adhered to as the legal and geopolitical ideology that theologian authorities govern as mandated by the Islamic god of fortresses, Allah. There is NO untangling the political, ideological strands from the threads of religious theological teaching. It's a Gordian knot ... Quick, what did Alexander the Great do to defeat the Gordian knot?
Link to Frank Gaffney: coming_to_grips_with_shariah
Monday, August 9, 2010
Deals are off, it's time for moral and religious people to stand and fight.
Remember, homosexuality is condemned as a form of sexual abuse in all Judeo-Christian scriptures - the warning is one of repentance and faith from this as from other forms of immorality and sin. What is especially disappointing with Homosexualism as a political force is that their demands invade traditional Judeo-Christian moral and religious belief.
These homosexual demands to coerce new moral religious beliefs in the politics and laws of society and the social morality of our culture is a co-existence deal breaker.
Allen Hunt is on to something . . .
This latest legal charade is adding to the destruction, the un-definition, of marriage. Who would eventually police the stability of polygamous marriages in America, the land of no-fault divorce? And who would limit either sexual side to just one partner marrying several of the opposite sex? Why wouldn't group marriages not include two or three males with seven or eight women, for instance? And year by year, new marriage partners would come and go, much like employees at a small business? Who's your mommy and daddy now?
Closer to the root of the problem is this fact: there is no protection of moral and religious discipline in America today - therefore we have lost our religious liberty.
The courts have stricken down, blow after blow, time-honored Judeo-Christian moral and ethical standards that had formed the foundational basis for government, law and culture in America. This mirrors how the ancient children of Israel struck down the prophets of old. This is destroying us just as surely as persecuting and murdering the prophets of old eventually destroyed ancient Israel.
Saturday, August 7, 2010

Faisel Shahzad is a devout Muslim,the Islamic version of a Christian missionary, and he explained in a pre-recorded video available at www.thereligionofpeace.com why Allah wanted him to massacre hundreds of fellow Americans in Times Square. The truth is, the Qur'an, [held in his hand] the sayings of Islam's first Caliph emperor Muhammad, support Shahzad's assertions of intense hatred and disregard for non-Islamic people.
WAKE UP!!! - - -
link: http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/
Islam is all about the politics of extermination and hatred of non-Muslims - and just try to prove the slightest suggestion otherwise.
"Since Kabul's administration did not listen to our demand and did not free our prisoners, the Taliban shot dead a male Korean hostage," Qari Mohammad Yousuf told Reuters by telephone from an unknown location."
link here:
Christian missionaries are constantly helping the poor, but Islamic missionaries can't seem to get any press for anything but jihad attacks taking place dozens of times every week, hundreds of times yearly. Is there a face of Islam we are not being exposed to? Are we misunderstanding Islam? What is Islam really all about?
If you are not Islamic, does that mean you are free until the Sharia Islamic authorities catch up to you and place their tyrannical theocracy over you to make you their slave?
Friday, August 6, 2010
Gaffney, as usual, is right on the mark, but I would add: We should bear in mind that "the West is not now, nor ever will be, at war with Islam." What does this mean? I can read between the lines and see the bold assertion that the West which carved up the dead but wriggling body parts of the slaughtered Islamic Caliphate into western style nation states will not, now nor ever, allow them to become an Islamic empire ever again. Hmmm?
PETA is dispatching its "Lettuce Ladies" to Pocono Raceway, Pennsylvania, to hand out faux chicken sandwiches. The group wants the race track to go vegan.
See the whole story here
My take: How much flesh do these "lettuce ladies" need to put out there to entice us red-blooded guys to try their "veggie" ways? And if they really believe "MEAT is murder," then what chance in Hell does any guy have with any of these ladies anyway?
Really, it's nice to see smiles, and a few curves, on these advocates for unusually non-carnivorous treatment of chickens. I have seen some very unethical treatment of fur wearers and veal diners in my day, and this is definitely a kinder, gentler form of activism - and very easy on the eyes, too.
But just remember the next time you line up at the salad bar to scoop and mix your favorite mix of leafy delights: IT'S VEGGICIDE!!! [Just kidding]