An open letter to Focus on the Family in response to
their GOP Presidential candidate voter guide:
I disagree with the premise behind several of your questions that in my view make your voter guide a falsehood, something that can not be trusted because YOU lose credibility as your pro-Bush neo - conservative agenda shows.
To be real, you have got to take into consideration Constitutional and limited government values in evaluating people's position on family, pro-life and moral issues. You are not being funny, nor are you serving God or man to deliver questions that amount to a pro-Republican neo - conservative agenda for GOP-led draconian federal powers to give you all you want to win the culture wars through some sort of marshal law enforcement of a slate of family, pro-life and moral issues agenda.
How will you listen? Should I put it in Biblical sounding terms? "Really, I say unto you - truly, truly," - that there are patriotic, God-fearing leaders who have many things to offer to the national debate who disagree with a paramount human life amendment or a federal constitutional amendment on marriage, a religious institution. How close would we be to federally mandated religious statements on other matters? Would evangelical Christians always be at the helm to run a neo - theocracy? Is the government going to enforce all our laws against homicide once the paramount human life amendment is in effect?
Please listen: if to nothing else, just to the fact that it is reasonable for an evangelical Christian to be fully pro-life but follow a strategy of voting through congress an end to the Roe-v-Wade era by a vote to prohibit federal courts to hear matters pertaining to abortion or abortion rights, then working with the states on personhood initiatives to call the question on state laws against homicide.
Am I less pro-life because that is my understanding of the right strategy for protecting in-utero people? I have risked arrest at abortion mills to try to stop abortions. I adopted five as part of my own mission to save some alive for my savior. Am I less pro-life for endorsing Ron Paul, who also is a believer in the shed blood of Jesus Christ for the remission of his personal sins?
You people are wrapped into the politics of serving the Bush family and neo - conservative big government, in my opinion. Can you address THAT? Or am I to assume I am correct in my concerns?
The practical application of a Bible-centered world view includes insights on the national debate in America.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Saturday, January 21, 2012
The honor among GOP thieves:
You can't trust any proposed or active national leader who would agree to the invasion a foreign nation without a constitutional declaration of war.
To all the Ron Paul haters: if you are so-called conservative, how, in the name of God Almighty, do you stand by the illegal use of our armed services? You, who say an illegal alien should be deported - you strain at gnats, for that is proportionally what any one illegal alien would be to our 350 million population - would you swallow the camels of illegal foreign wars?
THIS is the leading GOP conservative hypocrisy. While indeed illegal aliens should be held accountable for their criminality, it is high treason for a President to invade a foreign country illegally: without a constitutional declaration of war.
I now have a son in the USMC, and one more headed in that direction. I'll be very active to make sure our government does NOT act in violation of the constitution, using the armed services illegally.
To all the Ron Paul haters: if you are so-called conservative, how, in the name of God Almighty, do you stand by the illegal use of our armed services? You, who say an illegal alien should be deported - you strain at gnats, for that is proportionally what any one illegal alien would be to our 350 million population - would you swallow the camels of illegal foreign wars?
THIS is the leading GOP conservative hypocrisy. While indeed illegal aliens should be held accountable for their criminality, it is high treason for a President to invade a foreign country illegally: without a constitutional declaration of war.
I now have a son in the USMC, and one more headed in that direction. I'll be very active to make sure our government does NOT act in violation of the constitution, using the armed services illegally.
That has me pissed off
A campaign photo for a GOP Presidential contender pairs Ron Paul with the President of Iran, as if running mates - and that has me pissed off:
Pairing Ron Paul in a photo with a known tyrant is just more idiotic scoffing against the clearly responsible position that we must obey our constitutional laws and declare wars through congress before invading foreign countries: SCOFFING IS NOT THE SAME THING AS PRESENTING A CREDIBLE ARGUMENT IN A PRINCIPLED DEBATE.
You place a photo like this forward as a reason for supporting your favorite candidate, and wonder why there is a problem with our national discourse? Obviously Ron Paul would have a difficult time with rallying you to a general election push against the Obama Administration incumbency in the fall - but that's up to you.
I oppose liberal WARFARE programs as well as liberal welfare programs - but perhaps you believe the hype for war, that our path to national redemption lies through the streets of Tehran. Who in YOUR family is going to fight this? I have one son in the breech. Soon I'll have two there.
You think I support Ron Paul because Iran President "Ibeenanutjob" would like him? Or it's a joke: scoffing. Because as a lapsed conservative bought off by the shock and awe of cool wars overseas, you WANT more liberal WARFARE programs: obviously not giving a God DAMN about whose sons are going to pay the ultimate price for it.
If there is proof that Iran is on the brink of wielding a nuclear bomb against us, then present that information to the U.S. Congress, and ask for a declaration of war - OTHERWISE, SHUT THE SHIT HOLE UP.
Take this to heart: patriots fight when our cause is JUST - then conquer we must: and this be our motto, IN GOD IS OUR TRUST - note, that's not the same thing as a GOD DAMNED lie to manipulate a wag-the-dog invasion for oil robber barons and to cover up the U.S./West German stockpiling of chemical weapons in Iraq.
Pairing Ron Paul in a photo with a known tyrant is just more idiotic scoffing against the clearly responsible position that we must obey our constitutional laws and declare wars through congress before invading foreign countries: SCOFFING IS NOT THE SAME THING AS PRESENTING A CREDIBLE ARGUMENT IN A PRINCIPLED DEBATE.
You place a photo like this forward as a reason for supporting your favorite candidate, and wonder why there is a problem with our national discourse? Obviously Ron Paul would have a difficult time with rallying you to a general election push against the Obama Administration incumbency in the fall - but that's up to you.
I oppose liberal WARFARE programs as well as liberal welfare programs - but perhaps you believe the hype for war, that our path to national redemption lies through the streets of Tehran. Who in YOUR family is going to fight this? I have one son in the breech. Soon I'll have two there.
You think I support Ron Paul because Iran President "Ibeenanutjob" would like him? Or it's a joke: scoffing. Because as a lapsed conservative bought off by the shock and awe of cool wars overseas, you WANT more liberal WARFARE programs: obviously not giving a God DAMN about whose sons are going to pay the ultimate price for it.
If there is proof that Iran is on the brink of wielding a nuclear bomb against us, then present that information to the U.S. Congress, and ask for a declaration of war - OTHERWISE, SHUT THE SHIT HOLE UP.
Take this to heart: patriots fight when our cause is JUST - then conquer we must: and this be our motto, IN GOD IS OUR TRUST - note, that's not the same thing as a GOD DAMNED lie to manipulate a wag-the-dog invasion for oil robber barons and to cover up the U.S./West German stockpiling of chemical weapons in Iraq.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Asleep on the right
Republicans are not waking up as they are asleep on the right
Too often Republicans don’t care what commerce is if it is not part of their own bottom line. To far too many of them, the path of national redemption leads by way of a new liberal WARFARE program through the streets of Tehran, and their bosses are the multi-national corporate CEOs who want to keep oil refineries and trade to themselves. They talk a good game on big picture matters but ignore the bits and pieces of compromise that corrupt the whole.
They believe themselves to be such paragon guardians of American virtues, but they compromise those virtues without much thought - like sleepwalking cereal rapists, abusing the constitution when it suits them - not waking up. They are asleep on the right.
America may never awaken to what true progressive values are: individual liberty and free enterprise unfettered by manipulative regulations, steep taxes and international entanglements that trade away our national sovereignty. Republicans don’t care enough about what real money is aside from the false federal reserve notes that poison true commerce. They are ready to compromise about government taking care of everyone's kids while taking ultimate control of them. They have morals completely unworthy of the bits and pieces that compromise gives them at the expense of their integrity and our national treasury.
Patriotic Americans should awaken grateful to God, but we're not. We should be thankful for our kids, ready for our jobs, and to plan our day around improving, empowering and making the most of every circumstance. Instead, there is compromise on core values, and we have forgotten how to listen. We all have been lusting after bits and pieces instead of truth.
As Americans, we have the inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of property and happiness. But we must awaken to the values that we have taken for granted in the past and have been abandoning for far to long now.
Too often Republicans don’t care what commerce is if it is not part of their own bottom line. To far too many of them, the path of national redemption leads by way of a new liberal WARFARE program through the streets of Tehran, and their bosses are the multi-national corporate CEOs who want to keep oil refineries and trade to themselves. They talk a good game on big picture matters but ignore the bits and pieces of compromise that corrupt the whole.
They believe themselves to be such paragon guardians of American virtues, but they compromise those virtues without much thought - like sleepwalking cereal rapists, abusing the constitution when it suits them - not waking up. They are asleep on the right.
America may never awaken to what true progressive values are: individual liberty and free enterprise unfettered by manipulative regulations, steep taxes and international entanglements that trade away our national sovereignty. Republicans don’t care enough about what real money is aside from the false federal reserve notes that poison true commerce. They are ready to compromise about government taking care of everyone's kids while taking ultimate control of them. They have morals completely unworthy of the bits and pieces that compromise gives them at the expense of their integrity and our national treasury.
Patriotic Americans should awaken grateful to God, but we're not. We should be thankful for our kids, ready for our jobs, and to plan our day around improving, empowering and making the most of every circumstance. Instead, there is compromise on core values, and we have forgotten how to listen. We all have been lusting after bits and pieces instead of truth.
As Americans, we have the inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of property and happiness. But we must awaken to the values that we have taken for granted in the past and have been abandoning for far to long now.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Imagine, no utopia, no liberal diatribe,
Imagine no more empire - it's easy if you try . . .
Imagine world-wide competition for investment as the modern world is at last free to develop to it's true potential. Imagine: a repeal of regressive taxes, starting with ending the punishment of capital gains, and then comes the phasing out of the barbaric income tax. Imagine: an astounding infusion of cash as tens of trillions of dollars worth of investment is cut loose on the economy to fund its growth at an incredible and sustained pace that few but the truly visionary would have predicted. Imagine an economy so strong that excise taxes and the sale of federal lands would cover the needs of a greatly reduced federal government. Imagine, not only the full employment of all Americans who wanted to work, but the competition for millions - tens of millions - more through guest worker programs or sheltered indenture contracts. Imagine if we found that Mexico alone could not possibly supply enough labor for us.
This is the future-past for us, for it has happened before on a proportionally dramatic scale - when early generations blazed a path of thrift, productivity and wise investment as the industrial revolution took off and America grew - remember learning something about that? About - when progressive meant the bold and great experiment in personal liberty unfettered by despotic centralized imperial government management: back when European social conservatives said it could never work, it would never last?
Imagine - though socialist Democrats scream for their liberal welfare programs, bleating like drowning sheep about the suffering of the slothful if their subsidies are not funded through the lawless unconstitutional federal entitlements that they have made into their way of life.
Imagine - though pugnacious Republicans scream for their liberal WARFARE programs, bleating like drowning sheep about the nuclear winter that must come upon the world if their invasions are not funded through the lawless unconstitutional federal entanglements that they have made into their way of life.
And with your vote, chose to say that Ron Paul is right for America.
And -
Imagine all the people, creatively producing wealth,
You may say I'm a dreamer. Well, I'm not the only one . . .
Imagine no more empire - it's easy if you try . . .
Imagine world-wide competition for investment as the modern world is at last free to develop to it's true potential. Imagine: a repeal of regressive taxes, starting with ending the punishment of capital gains, and then comes the phasing out of the barbaric income tax. Imagine: an astounding infusion of cash as tens of trillions of dollars worth of investment is cut loose on the economy to fund its growth at an incredible and sustained pace that few but the truly visionary would have predicted. Imagine an economy so strong that excise taxes and the sale of federal lands would cover the needs of a greatly reduced federal government. Imagine, not only the full employment of all Americans who wanted to work, but the competition for millions - tens of millions - more through guest worker programs or sheltered indenture contracts. Imagine if we found that Mexico alone could not possibly supply enough labor for us.
This is the future-past for us, for it has happened before on a proportionally dramatic scale - when early generations blazed a path of thrift, productivity and wise investment as the industrial revolution took off and America grew - remember learning something about that? About - when progressive meant the bold and great experiment in personal liberty unfettered by despotic centralized imperial government management: back when European social conservatives said it could never work, it would never last?
Imagine - though socialist Democrats scream for their liberal welfare programs, bleating like drowning sheep about the suffering of the slothful if their subsidies are not funded through the lawless unconstitutional federal entitlements that they have made into their way of life.
Imagine - though pugnacious Republicans scream for their liberal WARFARE programs, bleating like drowning sheep about the nuclear winter that must come upon the world if their invasions are not funded through the lawless unconstitutional federal entanglements that they have made into their way of life.
And with your vote, chose to say that Ron Paul is right for America.
And -
Imagine all the people, creatively producing wealth,
You may say I'm a dreamer. Well, I'm not the only one . . .
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Keeping it real with Ron and Rand
We should be keeping it real with Ron and Rand, celebrating individual freedom as we do so
There is this truth that I would hope more and more reasonable people will embrace as the campaign season wears on in America: only one candidate is choice-grade right on the cause for restoring our constitutional government and leading where we need to take our nation moving forward: that candidate is Ron Paul.
Keeping it real with Ron Paul and his campaign - with Senator Rand Paul at his side - means keeping the rule of constitutional law real and vitally important in our national debate. It means keeping it real when we point out the liberal extremes of welfare and warfare programs, social entitlements and foreign entanglements.
It means we never allow a battle campaign in a foreign land in the name of America without a constitutional declaration of war!
It means we look at what our law describes and delineates is the function of federal government, and obey that description and delineation as the limit of federal power!
Keeping it real with Ron and Rand means speaking these truths in love, because they are rarely understood among even many of our friends and loved ones, our confidants and our own family members, let alone our neighbors: this restoration of our constitutionally limited federal government is going to take time. Restoring our founders' vision will take a multitude of patient sufferings at the hands of those who would mock and ridicule us despite the fact that they are sometimes closest to us.
Bottom line: this means sometimes suffering at the hands of our own: for me that might be my people, evangelical Christians.
I believe standing for the truth is one of life's great privileges, not just a right and responsibility. I feel this from the standpoint of being a believer in Christ:
One, I am admonished to do justly, love mercy and to walk humbly with my God, and that I am as an ambassador in a world full of nations that are not yet become the kingdom of our God and of his Christ. I am sent as a lamb among wolves, knowing that God's kingdom is not of this world, therefore I am not to fight by force of arms: the battle is spiritual, wrestling not against flesh and blood.
Two, I know that to "reclaim America for Christ" in the evangelical religious right political sense would be helping create nothing more than another worldly kingdom, worse, a theocracy that has stepped out in front of God's presence in body with an entourage ready to rule the politics of the world: namely Christ arriving in the clouds as lightning is seen from east to west, and all his holy angels with him.
This political cause to "reclaim America for Christ" is instead a theocracy without God! Well, let the Pagan Jihadist Islamic despots do that: look, see how it is their false prophet's calling on them in the unworthy name of Allah, a name dredged from the cesspool of Arab idolatry. Let not God's holy name be so defamed as to be drenched in the blood of oppressed victims!
A theocracy without God, or out in front of God's will, is a theocratic despotism! It is tyranny, folks.
Our founders in America instead raised up a Constitutional Republic where people of all beliefs could be invited to live in community together as citizens - a vehicle for bringing the true wealth of opportunity forward in the world through the free enterprise of an unfettered productive, creative people.
That is where evangelical Christians would be free to tell the good news of great joy: the gospel.
It should not be about finding a federal government agency to curtail gay marriages as illegal. It should be about sharing freely how the fleshly abandonment of the natural use of sex is a form of sexual abuse by the authority of scriptures, and Christ proves the power to conquer this abominable human depravity.
It should not be about a federal ban on abortion. It should be about keeping the laws against taking human life outside the due process of law a state mandate, with the product of human conception that we know to be biologically developing, therefore human and being, included in that equality of protection.
Keep it all real with Ron and Rand. And if you're an evangelical Christian, be thankful - even joyful - to God Almighty for the life in your lungs to do so.
There is this truth that I would hope more and more reasonable people will embrace as the campaign season wears on in America: only one candidate is choice-grade right on the cause for restoring our constitutional government and leading where we need to take our nation moving forward: that candidate is Ron Paul.
Keeping it real with Ron Paul and his campaign - with Senator Rand Paul at his side - means keeping the rule of constitutional law real and vitally important in our national debate. It means keeping it real when we point out the liberal extremes of welfare and warfare programs, social entitlements and foreign entanglements.
It means we never allow a battle campaign in a foreign land in the name of America without a constitutional declaration of war!
It means we look at what our law describes and delineates is the function of federal government, and obey that description and delineation as the limit of federal power!
Keeping it real with Ron and Rand means speaking these truths in love, because they are rarely understood among even many of our friends and loved ones, our confidants and our own family members, let alone our neighbors: this restoration of our constitutionally limited federal government is going to take time. Restoring our founders' vision will take a multitude of patient sufferings at the hands of those who would mock and ridicule us despite the fact that they are sometimes closest to us.
Bottom line: this means sometimes suffering at the hands of our own: for me that might be my people, evangelical Christians.
I believe standing for the truth is one of life's great privileges, not just a right and responsibility. I feel this from the standpoint of being a believer in Christ:
One, I am admonished to do justly, love mercy and to walk humbly with my God, and that I am as an ambassador in a world full of nations that are not yet become the kingdom of our God and of his Christ. I am sent as a lamb among wolves, knowing that God's kingdom is not of this world, therefore I am not to fight by force of arms: the battle is spiritual, wrestling not against flesh and blood.
Two, I know that to "reclaim America for Christ" in the evangelical religious right political sense would be helping create nothing more than another worldly kingdom, worse, a theocracy that has stepped out in front of God's presence in body with an entourage ready to rule the politics of the world: namely Christ arriving in the clouds as lightning is seen from east to west, and all his holy angels with him.
This political cause to "reclaim America for Christ" is instead a theocracy without God! Well, let the Pagan Jihadist Islamic despots do that: look, see how it is their false prophet's calling on them in the unworthy name of Allah, a name dredged from the cesspool of Arab idolatry. Let not God's holy name be so defamed as to be drenched in the blood of oppressed victims!
A theocracy without God, or out in front of God's will, is a theocratic despotism! It is tyranny, folks.
Our founders in America instead raised up a Constitutional Republic where people of all beliefs could be invited to live in community together as citizens - a vehicle for bringing the true wealth of opportunity forward in the world through the free enterprise of an unfettered productive, creative people.
That is where evangelical Christians would be free to tell the good news of great joy: the gospel.
It should not be about finding a federal government agency to curtail gay marriages as illegal. It should be about sharing freely how the fleshly abandonment of the natural use of sex is a form of sexual abuse by the authority of scriptures, and Christ proves the power to conquer this abominable human depravity.
It should not be about a federal ban on abortion. It should be about keeping the laws against taking human life outside the due process of law a state mandate, with the product of human conception that we know to be biologically developing, therefore human and being, included in that equality of protection.
Keep it all real with Ron and Rand. And if you're an evangelical Christian, be thankful - even joyful - to God Almighty for the life in your lungs to do so.
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