In the present and despairing political environment of Coke or Pepsi parties, Palin comes across as effervescent like a Diet Shasta.
It really is a shame we can't have someone to step up like a true statesman.
I would take on to a stateswoman, but that 90s shill about "gravitas" comes to mind: I wish Palin could put on a serious sense of grinding visionary leadership and tough minded verbal attribution like Britain's Iron Lady, Margaret Thatcher.
Put them side by side, and the "hockey mom" sounds like she couldn't lead us out of a sideline spat over a bad call, let alone an international crisis. I do believe that in a campaign that nears the stretch for one or one other having the nuclear codes, there won't be a majority of serious voting Americans who would be able to chose Palin over Obama.
Sorry to say, Palin is much more wiffle-molly than Iron Lady.
So I believe she will find some hurdles rising in the primary road ahead - the new dynamics of the actual primaries will make things very tight for her as a real race for a real nomination begins.
Palin's situation is an education for those of us who are issue visionaries - who like some verbal content, but suddenly have to seriously reconsider a person's context and capability.
With Palin, I can see her legacy taking a place near H. Ross Perot the more this nation puts her into the rear view. She would be the wiffle molly and he would be all ears.