Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Ron Paul brought out the best of us in Michigan

Today Ron Paul brought out the best of
our fellow patriots voting in Michigan.

Today the good news in Michigan is more than 100,000 voters came out and cast ballots for a true constitutionalist leader: there is integrity and consistency in American politics today - and it is a slowly growing number who know: we have a good set of laws laid out by our founding fathers - we have a sound strategy for many diverse people to live together in community enjoying the blessings of prosperity.

It is all about individual liberty, free enterprise, protecting our property rights and the opportunity to excel, and engage in productivity without liberal welfare programs - save money, and we'll live more secure with our employment capabilities focused on providing four our own families.

We can bravely refrain from invading foreign countries that are not waging war against us, and engage in diplomacy without the liberal warfare programs - save money and we'll live more secure with our military capabilities focused on protecting our own shores.

http://www.RonPaul.com - Please like, share, subscribe & comment! 2/28/2012 Ron Paul is America's leading voice for limited, constitutional government, low t...

Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Obama administration: despicable

Absolutely unacceptable duplicity on the grounds of religious and cultural bigotry: the Obama administration is despicable!

1) Bigoted demonstrators and Islamist despots are likely aware of the circumstances regarding the defaced copies of the Koran burned with trash at the U.S. Airbase in Afghanistan: that there would be a requirement for them to be burned, but because the service personnel were not seen as Muslim, their act is seen as desecration.

The defacement occurred by captured insurgents as a means of communicating to insurgents outside bases of capture. The justification of all arts of war under the teachings of jihad allowed the defacement by the insurgents, then jihad takfir allows the misrepresentation of the facts with regard to the circumstances of the Koran burnings.

2) Bigoted leaders of the Obama administration who are making supercilious apologies about the Koran burnings as if the act was a violation, incorrectly done by the U.S. service personnel at the base. But there have been copies of the Bible burned for political reasons as a matter of policy, ordered by the Obama administration.

Let's bear in mind that modern printing and publishing capabilities means that there is no loss to any religious entity in the world because of the burning or other means of destruction of scriptural copy seen as containing sacred messages - the destruction could even be a matter of deleting digital content off a Kindle Fire database.

This is all about respect.

It is seen as disrespectful for U.S. service personnel to conduct the burning of defaced Koran copies at the base. That disrespect is based SOLELY on the bigoted Islamic law's requirement that ceremonious retirement of defaced scripture copy must be administered by Islamic authorities. The defaced Koran copies were required to be burned, by the way.

The Obama administration is willing to throw the respect of our U.S. service men and women, our nation, and through their favoritism toward Muslim religiosity over Christian faith, Christians, under a bus as worthless.

A teenager's response might be serviceable in this situation: to say, "whatever" and "yeah, I see how it is."

The Obama administration has not the slightest semblance of respectability.

Monday, February 6, 2012

A nation free and brave.

We were once upon a time, a nation free and brave.

What can we do to restore our founders' vision? First, I would assert that there is an absolute demarcation we must make against the size and power of government, perhaps especially the government power we might lust for most to get what we want, to prove the point of our resolve and discipline against socialism that now ensnares us.

Here is a for-instance, if some of us like the recent "shock-and-awe" wars we've waged. If we do not respect law and our founder's vision for a constitutional republic on such points as the due process for prosecuting a war: a constitutional declaration by congress, then we don't deserve to change anything.

Our undeclared, illegal wars are a disgrace! We manipulate and want for them out of fear, and so prepare ourselves for craven capitulation before a master. Christian right evangelicals are fighting for this when pushing candidates such as Gingrich, Romney or Santorum: fear mongering liberal WARFARE programs.

"A nation which can prefer disgrace to danger is prepared for a master, and deserves one," said Alexander Hamilton.

We were once upon a time, a nation free and brave. We once did not allow fear mongering over what secrets might be revealed or intelligence compromised if we presented clear reasons openly about foreign threats that might necessitate war.

Note to fellow believers in Christ, if you are a Republican and not aware of how evil the Republican party is for pushing these liberal warfare programs: stop your love affair with the GOP of big government entanglements with foreign affairs, please.

Stop favoring wicked robber-barons like the Bush family just because they have a different label from robber-barons like the Kennedy family. Stop favoring socialism with a Republican Party label over socialism with a Democratic Party label, please.

Oh, and ask God to help you repent of your favoritism of illegal wars: from Vietnam to Iraq, wars whereby we send troops into combat, invade foreign countries, loose tens of thousands of our sons and kill hundreds of thousands of foreigners, but without a constitutional declaration of war by congress. Repent of that.

Every God fearing person out there - please - for the love of GOD! Acknowledge please there is a limitation to what GOVERNMENT can do. Another for-instance: do not worship GOVERNMENT for its power to stop abortions!!! Please! May GOD help you to see THE TRUTH!!!

The government that is powerful enough to stop all potential abortions including in cases of rape or incest is a government that is powerful enough to abort all its undesirables and exterminate every voice for truth that stands against it.

It is the devil's game: seduce Christians into a deal. DON'T DO IT!!! A Doctor can explain the vague nuances between worst case scenarios, for example, the possible fertilization and the future potential for conception if implantation of a fertilized egg takes place after a rape. That's too far into the minute factors for government to have any voice. Keep government small, in the face of such issues, please.

For now, Christians are being seduced into being foot soldiers for big government - for the loss of personal liberty and for the chosen wars that oil-rich robber-barons want to fight to protect their monopolies.

We need to get to the root problem: big government itself. That includes liberal WARFARE programs abroad - and State Department entanglements based on baseless fears - as well as liberal welfare programs and social security entitlements. Go LEAN on your philosophy and attack the ROOT PROBLEM!!!

Prioritize - I know you can do it: with much prayer and seeking God in scripture, I know you can leave your lust for big government.

The strategy of true constitutionalists - who would restore our founder's vision, by the way - is this: have congress vote out Roe by forbidding federal courts from hearing abortion related cases. Put personhood before the states as the product of human conception that is biologically replete and developing. (in other words, pregnancy is found in the first trimester: an implanted, conceived, in-utero person). Then, go with equal protection under law from there.

Acknowledge that there is a limit to the scope of government action. Follow the boundaries set by our constitution. Acknowledge laws against homicide belong at the state level, otherwise you are arming the federal government over the states! Acknowledge you can't go beyond visible developing humanity for personhood: fertilized eggs and chemical theories based on human genomes is out.

We should discuss more how freedom works, and stop the nonsense for the sake of common sense. Please